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A member registered Jan 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think you will build your project and then you upload the files on's submission page when done

Might have been an issue from my side then. Great job I actually replayed it again it's a nice game

(1 edit)

Controls are very difficult on Windows. It seems like the game was originally for mobile users. It does require a long story to go through from the text. Which is skippable. But it is very bland at first. It does pick up its pace after a bit. I think it has potential and minor changes can be made to improve the gameplay. If you are playing on a browser on Windows the controls are janky and very hard to aim properly. Good Job though and keep up your work. P.s. I am all for story-based games, butkeep the player engaged this was just text that's all.

It's a nice concept I like how the water speeds you up as if it is a stamina bar of its own. But, the original speed of the player could be increased. It's really nice though I like it and surprisingly the 8-directional movement without using the mouse to aim actually felt nice, unlike other games. It's also about surviving whether by ignoring the Zs or by killing them because your ammo finishes. It's cool.

Penguin Slide would have been a more befitting name. XD. I think its a nice concept that adds speed to shooting and gives the option of breaking the obstacle or dodging it (if you are fast enough). But, in some cases, it feels like the gun is overpowered and in others, it feels weaker so I guess that's a balance of some sort. It's nice. Great Job!!

I don't think could really count as a shooter in any of its various genres within the shooter category. I'll still tell you control scheme is tedious and very hard to control since on windows just use a keyboard or ask the player to connect a controller. Input does not get registered but I think that's the UI joystick so probably not that bad.

It looks like abadox and I think it also feels like abadox. I like the music I like how you made the art look more defined (might just be that the original was actually on the NES and we got 3000 series and 4000 series graphics cards XD). I did find an issue that the enemies spawn outside of the screen a lot (minor tweaking) and that the colliders on the enemies' bullets are incredibly large so they can easily come in contact with the player with a thumbs width. But I think this will be a fun game to play while waiting for someone or even skipping class ;D. Minor fixing and it'll be

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I like the orcs. They look nice. But, major gameplay mechanics are not functioning properly. Shooting: gun absolutely does not shoot at all no bullets as gameobjects or even as raycasts(best for fps an 3rdps, at least what I understood from experienced game devs). Health: You o not take any more damage after a certain amount of previous damage. It isn't bad it just needed more time for it to be playable. Still good job I assume you had no time left. Keep up the good work!!

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It's a simple shooting game literally. I like it. Not going to lie it would have been better with tiny tiny improvements like having a loss factor to the game. So if I miss a certain number of targets there will be a penalty like ammo drops down to 3 bullets per magazine for 45 seconds. (Ex) It is nice overall and I like it. Good Job on your work!

(2 edits)

The art style is amazing!!!!!! The feel of the game is great!!!!! But the first level seems broken. After you enter the room and pick up the shotgun and look back nothing happens at all. Loved the idea and the hand animation and the sound is perfect. That gun sound is great really immersive. But, sometimes the inputs from my mouse and keyboard are ignored completely. Overall it was faulty but it does have potential. Keep up the good work and if possible notify us when it's fixed I'd love to spend time on playing a Doom original-inspired game. It is my first time making a game. But, I am a very seasoned gamer and a software engineer for a few years now so I understand how tiring it can get. But you have a  great future ahead of you and if you have been in the industry for longer than me then we can easily see your experience. Great Job!! Just work on the issues and I'll love to learn from you and to play your games. (P.s. I think if you added your own idea into this it would spice it up. People have seen so many flappy bird and pong knockoffs. So having extra twists makes games more appealing.)