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TVS_Official 64

A member registered Jan 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Another update.

There is no more flashing light issue. Also several bug fixes and other minor changes.

I do not have the sufficient programming skill to put this on a Gameboy Advance.

Gonna put that on my to-do list just in case.

Seizure warning is added now.

As for the optimization, this is as far as I can go. At least I tried to keep the player's speed close to the original version.

(1 edit)


I might be capable of working with the graphics (similar artstyle, but cleaner-looking), music (tools used for that are unknown) and/or sound effects at some point if approved to do so, since all 3 still need some work.

Still enjoyable either way.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Perhaps this is your first time playing. Perhaps try practicing. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will.

Wow, I can't believe a carp demo I made back in March 31st, 2020 caused all this.

Question: What is the earliest version of mac required to run each version of GB Studio?