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A member registered Feb 15, 2020

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i have good feelings for this game. We played it a bit on the Laptop and it was realy fun. It is nice to see you fond a solution to the "hovering at the top" problem that plages so many simelar games. 

it whoud be nice if you choud add some things in the full version linke: Options for 3 or 4 bubbels per player / on-off for the border closing at some time / simple ai / more pleyers up to 8  as an option (even when it whoud be a bit full) / different weapons pik ups / on-off for specific pik ups in the menue.

But a steam release and multiplayer whoud be cool to. please add an in gam calander when player can mark times they are online, so that in times of low playercont people can find each other.

Thanks for the reply. 

You can go easy at the bots first when you programm 4 behaviers (attaking the next target / cycling the next target / Running away / shooting the blloon ant the next target ), then have a randon funktion switsch between them around every to seconds.

Then simply give then Player an option to spawn more of them and what waepons try whant perpahs with a slider for balloon sice, and you whoud have a small nice stabel state wher you can bring in Multiplayer over time. 

But you can althou you own route, it`s just that AI can be difficult to programm when all the players mostly whant is a moving target that they can`t predict to 100%.

How to aktivate the Bots? i thryes kliking on then and keybord key but it dosn`t work 

Played the demo. So No it is not a Porn Game. It contains sexy Furrys ans fund fight and some aktual good controls. But does not go into Porn. What i think is a great idea, to keep the game free of it and concentrate on good controle Style and a funny gameplay. 

Sorry englisch ist not my motherlanguage.

Hi nice game, had some fun with it. 

since you sad it's a work in progress here some augestions ( sorry for bad englich / not native ) 

1 ) Add a calender / play times

for the next 14 Days where players can click at a time and let the next player know when other players whoud check in if the server had a other player, or set up play times to make it easyer to find another player. With the game not realy being a AAA game, matsh time can get up to days or never, and even a light verison for saying when in the next 14 days some one cheks in whoud help. No need for having more than a 1 for each plaer to the time . 

2) Computer opponents

when you Programm 3 simpke programms and have a % check ever 10 sec it shoud be not to massive to progranm. 

a) go to next dust, then go to next dust, ..... 

b) go to next balloon of enemy color

c) at x dust go back to dropoff

with 100% in ( a+b )in 10% incements for then player to choose and a check all 10 sec what behavior it is / and a number for c that when hase primary on the next 10 sec check.

with a slider between a and b and a number to put in for c players whous be abel to set up the own conditions and with up to 3 comps per side the 10 sec random number whoud create some chaos so the player whoud have a new situation eath time.