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A member registered Apr 30, 2022

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(1 edit)

Cool, thanks for the info.

I'll have to play from the beginning anyway - I'd been forgetting to save and when I tried to message Skylar (day 4 I think? - the day after you help Camilla move a sofa and she sends you the face and then topless pic) I got a weird error and clicking ignore (which was the only one that seemed to do anything) sent me back to the title screen where I realised I hadn't saved since naming my character.  I'll take a screenshot if it happens again.  Still, looking forward to seeing where this goes and some more pre-ship info on my guy will be cool to learn.

I assume the same applies to the Endurance edition?  Like get it, then same deal for Days 12-13 (buy the Endurance version of those days or opt for the Elysium version)?

Do the scenes or laptop conversations added take place before days 9-11?  Just checking if its worth starting over the small amount of content I've done with the new release.

Thanks and keep up the good work Wildman.

I just started the game a few days ago, cool to see it's got an update since I'm really enjoying the story and characters.  One question though - how will future updates work?  If I buy the $20 version today, will I have to buy another $20 expansion for days 12-15?  Do I get a basic version of those days without the bonus content?  Just a little confused since it's move from pay what you want to different set pricing tiers, like level DLC almost?