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tsuneko (catlover_mimi)

A member registered Mar 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Interesting work that incorporated an optical illusion into Alice in Wonderland!
Fun as gameplay and I was impressed with how technically amazing it was!
It was a short but good game experience, meow~!

The operating characters, how cute!

The shotgun jump was very fun and challenging with special controls such as Hyper Jump and branching paths.

I also watched the trailer! It was great, meow~!

Wow! I'll play it next time,meow~ looking forward to it!

It was very exhilarating to be moving through more depth than I expected when diving into a hole at once or trying to get out of a hole!
I also really liked the bonus mode thing after collecting all the apples!
Ouroboros, meow~!

I enjoyed the feeling of the stars floating in space, so beautiful. It was fun to see the stars gradually grow and the gravity wells get bigger and bigger.
However, phase 3 was quite difficult, and it was more like praying for luck than aiming and hitting the target. The joy I felt when I hit the target was great, though!

my playthrough

Cute to see the lizard climbing up the wall, jumping and sliding down!
The movements were really good, and I could play without stress.
It was a short but very good game experience, meow~!

Oh, what a cute hamster!  It was so healthy and fun to see him work so hard for his friends.

However, the quietness and darkness of the first night with almost no visibility heightened my anxiety, and I almost peed my pants when I stepped outside the fence because I was so scared.


(2 edits)

What a strange but beautiful game!
I found the controls quite difficult as well as the other feedback. Also, the music volume seemed low. I could hear it fine when I was very close to the inhabited planet. But I couldn't hear the ending song.
I felt sorry for the humans suffering from the lack of oxygen, but I also felt a little funny. How cruel of me...
It was so funny that while they were trying to plant trees on the comet and load a large number of humans on it to return to their home planet, another comet was attracted and hit it and humans became extinct, meow~!

It was a lot much fun! ✨️
Fun to see the girl on the bottom left move around a bit, and most importantly, it's fun to use physics to build things up!
I played it streaming, and the rules are very easy to understand, so it was easy to get into, and the other people watching me also played at the same time, which was nice.

my playthrough

Oh, how cute is that kitty with the extended torso!
I love how it grabs the ground, wall or ceiling with its short paws when it lands!
It was short but easy to play and I would recommend it to others, meow~!

Oh, what a game of such a very, very ultra cute cat!
I played it while writhing in agony because the round and chubby deformation of the cat is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
As for the gameplay, it was difficult to distinguish between the two, but that made the joy of clearing the game that much greater.
I was so happy to see a picture of your cat at the end!

Tsune, a white cat! Cute meow~!
The Japanese scenery in the background is very nice.
I am from Hokkaido, so I missed the ski slopes of Hokkaido very much, meow~!

Ahhhh, what a great puzzle game with a wonderful atmosphere that is inorganic and calming!
I loved the excitement of setting up the rules and moving them around.
I'm usually not a fan of difficult puzzle games, but I was able to get into this one and finish it, meow~!

Oh, what a cute piece of work it was!
At first I felt the anxiety of the little owl separated from mom, etc., but the gentleness of the quiet night and the non-hostile insects eased my anxiety.
Good game experience!

Very pleasant and fun to see the stones piled up to form the shape of the cathedral!
I enjoyed it as a normal game, but I can't believe it was made in 13kb!
Super good, meow~!

The slightly eerie and quiet world and the feeling of gradually learning about past events from artifacts and records was great.

The story at the end of the game was especially sad and memorable.

my playthrough

The thrill of serving customers as a one-man operation late at night and the earthquake that followed was a surprise.

The 3D platformer part where you climb up the lighting scaffolding of the convenience store and return to the ground was quite scary, partly because of the eerie sound, meow~!

The walking simulator was very good for slowing down and relaxing.
At first I thought my legs were very slow. But when I walked slowly through this beautiful world, there were many times when I wondered if I would have been able to experience this feeling if my legs had been faster.
In short, it was a very mystical game experience, meow~!

It's so cute that the gnomes are in trouble in so many places! The poor gnome tied up by his shoelaces on the Steam page was especially pitifully cute.

I liked the fact that there are multiple puzzles connected to each other, not just one on one screen, meow~!

my playthrough

What a what a what a what a cute game!
The interior of the house looked so nostalgic and I really liked the toy kitchen and the kitty microwave~!
I especially like the stuffed bunny as the operating character.
I didn't realize I was a bunny until later in the game when I looked in the mirror, but it was fun just imagining that I was walking around this house with this fluffy body.
And of course I love the You Danced video, meow~!

I loved the expressive Tommy and his cute dog sidekick!
The game was funny, full of parodies and little dicks!
The Dr. Wiley parody in the last stage was especially funny, meow~!

Ah, doggy roguelike game, the cutest and funniest! The shopkeeper's cat was so meowy and LOvely!
It was very interesting that energy, money, and combat power are all managed centrally in one number.
In terms of items used, I like the sword. It's because using it turns a battle that usually loses money into a chance character that can recover with hearts!
Speaking of which, I wonder what would happen if I buy an unusually expensive GEM... Maybe it's just a Sell-only item and expensive... I should have tried it, meow~!

Pop and cute game!

Because the fishing hooks were strong, it was harder for me to catch the fish first than for all the children to catch it, but I was happy when I got a high score, meow!

At first, it was a fun game of material transportation, with more and more money to be made as we completed upgrades.
After about an hour and a half of this, I was very excited when I received the last mission, with its first music and clear objectives.
And the moment the timer hit zero, I was stunned by the collapse and the sheer shock of a place I thought I would one day reach.
I don't think I would have been able to immerse myself in this kind of emotion without the first material transportation part, so this game is the most amazing one that gave me a unique feeling.
Good game experience, meow~.

An alien environment of sand with strange plants growing and giant doll bones lying around. It was bright but very eerie.

It was interesting to examine the objects and get information from them in fragments, which added to its strangeness.

The yellow mysterious liquid scary, meow~.

Bump action arena game! It was so much fun!
It was amazing how such a round and cute cat at first turns into a super weapon that can defeat any enemy just by touching it in the end, meow~!

It was a nice piece with a pleasant pop and store. But I was a bit huffed at the world, it was like a reduction of reality.

Humans are stupid, meow...

A city dyed by the setting sun and two people who care about each other gazing at the other without being noticed... what a beautiful and romantic scene! It made me smile and even my cheeks were dyed by the sunset, meow~!

Basically, it's a one screen (+1) puzzle game, but what a deep and amazing game that keeps on giving me new discoveries!
It's a small screen, but just imagine how much thought went into the creation of this game.
But it was hard to get trophies, and I cheated a lot to get the last message, meow~!

Although it was a short piece, the overall atmosphere of the work and the sensations that appealed to the five senses, especially touch, were very wonderful and made for a very intense experience.
When I was a child, I used to stroke tree trunks and wire mesh fences whenever I went near them, but when did I stop touching them, meow...
It made me feel very nostalgic.

And a bug caused by my environment, but I was surprised at the first time when the hand was out of control. (The FPS was unlimited due to my PC's G-Sync settings. Never mind, it's just my environment).

Oh, what a wonderful piece of work it was!
Really really great to walk around the world and find out what kind of world we are in here, and also to unravel the mystery as deep as the abyss.
I am a skilled SylvieGame player, and that allowed me to struggle through the True Lord and the bosses in demon form without getting stuck.
The storyline that exposes your inner self, the thrill of solving the puzzles, the cuteness of Sylvie in her various forms, this game really has a lot to offer despite the small screen, meow~!


The atmosphere with pixel art, shiny effects, shadowy enemies and music was really nice.
I like the fact that you don't just take items, but brew potions to power them up, which makes it exciting from the time you take the materials to the time you go home.
In short, this was a lot of fun!

Dark magic coffee, I was very attracted to it!
I didn't understand the cafe part well at first, serving coffee to customers, but I enjoyed it as I gradually got a feel for how to get a high rating.
I didn't really understand the effects of the black magic at night, but it was fun to complete the spells, meow~!

my playthrough

What a creepy atmospheric horror game!
Cute graphic Haneko, but depending on the angle, she looked various expressions, such as anxious!
I'm not good at survival horror games, and I managed to finish this one, even though I had to pee my pants while trying to survive!
It was interesting!

The art and music had a sense of the fear inherent in the deep sea and its opposite, a sense of relaxed serenity.
And the action with the harpoon was difficult but exhilarating and fun!
Clearing the challenging candle stage was a lot of fun, meow~!

It was a very enjoyable gaming experience, the Antarctic world presented in black and white and the wonderful music!
Best of all, it was full of love!
And I love how cute the seals flap their hands when the penguins fall into the ocean, meow~!

Short but very effective and beautiful piece!

The music and the sparkling sounds of the stars being taken and the flowers being born were pleasant and soothing!

It wasn't hard because it was a great feeling when I solved a puzzle or when I realized that I had freed a puzzle.
wonderful piece of work!

I really enjoyed the game world and the OP atmosphere was really great.
It was amazing that you were able to create so much in a limited amount of time.
