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A member registered Aug 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was truly a wonderful story! The emotions are very well portrayed in the script and the characters are also quite wonderful. Personally I prefer the male voice acting but the female voice acting was also extremely good! You have truly outdone yourself with this work especially since it was done under a month! When a person writes a story, usually the story tells us about the writer and their way of thinking as well as their experiences in life(or so I feel). The way you wrote the script really made me think back to my own past as well. Thank you for making such a wonderful game! Keep up the good work!! <3

Hello! I just recently read about your arm. I'll make this short so you don't have to type too much of a reply! I hope you get better soon and don't suffer too much. I know it must be painful(of course it must be it was an accident for goodness sake...) but do your best! Try to keep yourself distracted if you can and try your best to be positive! If you do that then you will get get better in no time hopefully! I cant heal you myself but I hope my words help a little! 

Aside from that, I must say the voice acting, the script and the art all went so well together in the story! You truly did a great job making it and I could kind of feel the emotions you put into writing it! It's wonderful that you did it in just a month or so! I hope you didn't overexert yourself though!

(This... isn't short is it......)

Just a side note: I think our conversations are so long that it feels like we're writing a story or something- xD The length of the messages keep increasing! <3 But that isn't a bad thing, continue with what you were doing now!

No problem, no problem! It has been extremely long though. 'o' (I may have kind of imagined the worst case scenario that you may have kicked the bucket or something haha.. me and my pessimistic mind :p ) Oh my... how horrible. Good to know that you're better now.  Hope you recover completely soon! 

*in a dramatic voice* It was fate! You were destined to fall sick as you were not getting enough rest! 

Playing games helps me unwind. What about you?

Oh dear! Don't pressure yourself too much though! It'll be like re-opening old wounds. Like... the wounds haven't  healed completely yet  but  they don't get to as you don't let them recover. It wont be good if you fall sick again now would it.  Try your best but spare time for rest! (not 'the rest' but rest as in 'sleep' or something.... just wanted to clarify..) Whoaa! New works from  THE Melancholy Marionette!? Now I'm going to wait for you to finish in anticipation!(No pressure! For me, as long as I get a game that's good and fun I'll play it!)  Ah, that's a tight schedule... mines not that free either... I have some few more EXTREMELY IMPORTANT exams coming close... I hope you're able to do what you wish to do on time and also take care of yourself during stressful times!

Burnouts- They're truly horrible! T-T Sometimes it happens so suddenly and at the worst time possible...

I googled Tulip smoothie. Those things actually exist(and look intriguing)- If I were made into a smoothie it'd be more red than anything else though- lol.

Whoa. You have a brother? ;-; lucky(?). You two can play games and all together, but wait-  what I mean is you're brother totally right! If you weren't giving yourself a day off then no wonder it must've been stressful for you! You should listen to him. That's some good advise there!

Hmm.. that does seem quite accurate... but if I think about how 'I don't have any goal to pass and score well in my upcoming exams', my lazy procrastinating self will take advantage of it and id probably end up failing xD Personally, I require goals. At least for now, but if you think it could work go for it. That may be a suitable mindset for you. :)

Hahaha. I've been venting about my exams a lot haven't I? Whelp. that's most of my year for you. Hopefully, once these are done, I wont have to worry about exams for a while. ( I sound like I'm depressingly talking about how hard I had to study but in reality I've procrastinated most of my year away... ;-;) Those actually went horrible- I might or might not have failed in 2 or maybe 3 subjects- BUT not to worry! I'm sure I'll do better for these one!(hopefully..) Ah.. Y'know, I have friends who are mostly toppers or well comparatively wayyy better at studies than me so like it really sucks sometimes lol. You reminded me of one of them who used to tell us that she only studies last minute but then she used to score like amazing marks in almost everything xD

let us pray saying , ''May we never have to study and answer exams ever again!'' lol. It will be for the betterment of us both.

Haha. I know that feeling. I try and want to do something but don't have the energy to do it at that moment(or I'm just lazy-). Like- do you know how many times I've read a message but couldn't get myself to type a reply as I thought of it to be too tedious? Lets just say.. its a lot!

That moment when you think of doing something but the world seems against you so you just give up... ;>;  so relatable...

Waaah. That's really interesting. When you first started talking about family I thought that you were extremely close to everyone. In my case, I don't really go online to talk to people most of the time. I've had friends in the past but we didn't stay connected and when it come to family and friends irl- Well lets just say that I care a lot for my parents and sibling (a bit for the others too-) but in general I don't feel too close to them personally...? I don't know how to explain lol. (I barely have any irl friends remaining either- we just stopped talking to each other that often-) Before you say it. NO. I am not lonely.(I think..)  I  am totally okay! I choose to be distant sometimes. Its just better to have less connections, Is what I feel. But anyway- back to the topic! That's really cool! You have an online family! :D Wait really!? What bare minimum faunal contact do you have irl!?(no offence lol)

YOUR BIRTHDAY! It may be over already by the time you read this sooo HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! <3 Hope your day went well? OH, now that you mention it, my dad too game me an advance birthday gift a while back! He said that I wont be getting anything on my birthday now ;-; (kind of ruined the concept of birthdays a little don't you think..? just a bitt??)But it was a nice gift though! So I'm happy, I'm being grateful ,don't worry bout that lol. Awee. That's very modest of you and you get the things you do as you deserve them!(talking bout the positives not the negatives-) But I'm  sure that seeing you happy would probably give him more joy than any break or vacation could ! <3 That's fatherly love for you!

I've given up on birthdays- I've tried to make people happy and make them things in the past but procrastination gets in the way and now I just wish them mostly lol.

Sad to here that you had a bad start to the year but it must have been fun to witness those unique birds? Maybe this is  a sign that life is going to be bittersweet. Now its your choice whether you want to hold on to the bitter part or the sweet! My year in general started off with a mediocre tone along with the exams and tests :)  but its fine! Its not like the year is going to remain like this always right!

Why are you soo relatable?? I don't have many online friends so that's not a huge problem but that one friend of mine is more than enough to send me messages twice the time long than any normal human being would at a time xD You are speaking facts my friend. We are akin to each other. :]  its always fun to meet and talk to people who have very unique lives and personalities! (Especially if I don't have to talk to them in person! xD )

:( I know right! Its such a bad feeling to be overwhelmed. Like I don't want to be rude or back out of a conversation but in the end I end up going silent and not wanting to respond because I'm just drained... Hmm, I think maybe the trait of being social comes from your personality and your childhood perhaps. Maybe those kind of people have always been extremely confident and have had childhoods filled with people and socialization ? 'o' It's quite a curious thing indeed. Don't you worry though! Know that you aren't alone! :D I'm sure loads other people feel like we do too!

Are you sure about that? Your love for yanderes and scary(ish) games suggests a bit of something else don't you think? Hehe what if.... you are a serial killer but you yourself don't know of it!? 

Just a general observation! Of course, I don't know you in person to describe you and your personality better and you probably know yourself better than anyone else, so I cannot discern who you are and your personality exactly as it is either but  from our conversations you do seem to be wonderful and kind. No lie! :D 

Hey! Ever heard the saying, pretty's on the inside? You don't have to be gorgeous outside but rather have a beautiful heart on the inside!(and who knows, maybe your guts, organs and bones look absolutely stunning! xD Please excuse my weird mind.)  And its not like I'm the epitome of pretty either >:] . In the end, beauty lie in the eye of the beholder! What's pretty for me may not be pretty for others and vise versa! So I'd like to imagine that you are in fact pretty! My opinion. You have no right to refute! >:D

Heck ya! Aren't I lovely? And here I don't have the right to refute as this is your opinion! xD  Same... Social media is kind of scary sometimes... I prefer not to spend most my time near it but its so interesting how you can just type something like ''hi'' or ''It's amazing'' or something and cause a huge impact in some random person on maybe the other side of the world! Its so fascinating when you think of it in that way!

Haha, introverts unite! Strangers can be fun on the internet!(dangerous too but lest not talk about that... I shouldn't let the serial killer find out that I'm onto her... xD ) Its nice to see people who are like you and chat with them and its easier to talk here just as you said! You don't have to think of keeping up a conversation or pleasing the other person and worrying about hurting them after saying something too quickly all the time! 

Uno reverse card! I wish you the same! …but I guess January has already passed hasn't it? xD 

Hope you do well in life and don't stress too much! Remember, if you end up having trouble in life you can always vent it out here! Writing your worries down is a wonderful way to release the stress and pain in everyday life! 

May you have joyous and wonderful days ahead! Type to you (probably and possibly ) next month! (we do take a lot of time to reply don't we xD)

Bye-bye! <3

Well that is a good start! Ill congratulate you for that! :D  Making improvements and changes in your life can definitely be a  tiresome and tedious thing but in the end, all you have to remember is to take it slow!  If you were to suddenly change yourself from how you used to act then you would end up suffering rather than benefitting as your brain would probably end up overloading from the huge load it suddenly has to take up. So, you are doing amazing! Keep it up as well as you can and you will reach your goal in no time! :)

Yup. That is definitely a HUGE problem. By the time I'm done with things that were wayy too much for me I usually end up like  fruits in a blender, a smoothie.  ._.  

Ohh. That is actually a really good resolution! You know... I had recently come across an article about setting resolutions that are actually achievable rather than setting things that you most probably wont be able to complete. It made a lot of sense and honestly yours sounds absolutely perfect! It would help you first get the "not beating myself up at all" part done then giving yourself a little break as a reward for being able to accomplish something like that and then slowly moving forward. :D

Ahaha... Nice way to reward yourself! I feel soo guilty if I ever do things without completing my important work first  but  I procrastinate too much to ever actually reach my goals.  ._.  

You're welcome! (Uhhh... how do you respond to cheers? Idk? Help? XD )

Yeah! That's the spirit! :D Good luck once again!

Ahem... well, as I'm replying this late, they definitely are over~( Honestly, they went fine but I definitely regretted a lot XD ) Thank you  for the uh.. good words? encouragement?  cheer? Honestly, I will need these words  later as I'm going to have practice exams soon... ;-; (R.I.P me )

Ahh Christmas! Wonderful Christmas! ...You know? I actually ended up reading this on Christmas but never had the time and motivation to reply... So uh... Merry Belated Christmas(?) Ehe... Ah how wonderful. You wish everyone on time huh?  I honestly would too but I have a problem of procrastination. ;-; I say that Ill do it but then I end up neglecting it completely. When you encounter things like this that may seem stressful you should prioritise the thing that is most important to you! For example, you could keep the wishing other people online for later(actually do it though if you want to)  and prioritize your family first! :D That was just an example. A way of saying that you should prioritize the special things in life. :) 

Wooah! That seems soo cool to get as a birthday gift! You must have been happy! Also, if you don't mind me asking, when is your birthday? I would like to wish you if I can! :D  ( Me contemplating whether your birthday has already passed by now and if I should wish you now or if it would be awkward to wish you later if your birthday had not passed and I wished you already so uh take this as a note just in case  any of my speculations were correct! XD )

Well I already talked about Christmas but it is soon going to be a New year! So Happy New year! I hope you have a wonderful and fantastic  year waiting for you ahead! I hope that you are able to bare all the troubles that will come your way this year and that you have pleasant days awaiting you in the future! Remember! Even if things seem bad,  there are  good things in life too! So cherish them and keep them close!  :D

Whoa! Really!? Then can you reply to my friend? She types sooo much sometimes! Like I'll wake up to see 50+ long messages about different things that she reads or watches! The problem, here is that she writes about things I don't even watch! ( of course, I do reply almost every other time but sometimes its just too much ._. ) 

I can most definitely relate to you with that! I like being social (sometimes... If I'm in the mood! XD ) but I end up exerting wayy too much energy and for the rest of the day I'm just done with everything and want to be alone for sometime. I feel soo overwhelmed that I just want to play games and relax but a busy schedule(that I barely follow but lets not talk about that) awaits me...  It truly is amazing to be able to talk all kinds of different people! Like, right now, I could totally be talking to a serial killer!? (I don't think you are one but just for the dramatic effect I need to add that!) Or mayybeee I might actually be talking  to some really kind, pretty and amazing stranger who I wish to get to know more about as they seem really nice and fun! hehe. :D

Wow... um... What an enticing offer... :0

(Remember me... This is not a cult... This is not a cult... This is not a cult...)

That is soo smart! :0 And very sad as well-  You sound very experienced! What luck, I seem to have found a professional in uh.. not losing your hard work?? c:

Don't you worry! I think procrastination and not being able to finish your work on time is a common trait nowadays. Honestly, I have a lot of work to do but am not able to complete it  on time! :'D  

Maybe I can share a tip with you about your speed? Always expect less that what you think you can do. As in, if you think of something like, "Okay! I will get this done within  5 days!" , change your five days into 10 or something as there will always be things that will get in your way and will stop you from reaching your expectations. Plus, people(well, me, at least) tend to end up having expectations that are wayy too high for them to reach sometimes if you try to enact them too quickly. You must plan your moves accordingly while using the above tip!

If your doing this though, don't end up thinking that you cant reach those expectations. Maybe if you work hard enough you will be able to reach your goals, as long as you are patient and not hard on yourself if you aren't able to reach them. Just keep trying and move forward! I'm sure you will be able to do almost everything you want to! Most importantly! Remember to compliment and reward yourself after you've accomplished something. Whether its for something big or small doesn't matter.  This will probably help you increase your confidence and make you feel good about yourself! :D

Haha! I've written um... things(I don't think they can even be considered to be stories XD)  before and boy, each time I read them I discover spelling mistakes and end up cringing at times at the way I wrote things so I guess I can understand what you mean a little.

 It cant be helped that you had written it a longg time ago now can you? At most, you should be proud that you are able to rewrite some parts and make things better! That means you've improved by a lot! Good luck in rewriting! :D

Ahh... Honestly, sometimes it can take longer to make improvement to things than to actually write them as people often tend to go back on small minor details at times! In this process, time seems to fly away so quickly! XD I hope you are able to remake it soon and quickly, but don't be too disappointed or stress yourself  if you aren't able to! 

Yup! I'm glad to be able to play your lovely games as well! ^v^ I look forward to playing some more in the future as well!  <3

Well... I have a few tests that I need to be answering soon the next week or so and uh... lets just say I'm a just little anxious about them!  'v' Besides them though, I'm living a life full of procrastination so I'm fine ! :'D

What about you though? Everything good at your end? Hope you have a wonderful week as well!! :)

(See? this is why you shouldn't say stuff like ," don't worry about the size of your replies" to people like me. You've dug your own grave there by saying something like that! >:D hehe!) 

I am soo sad …. I just finished typing my reply but ended up not posting it and... :'(   (time to restart)

Relatable. Managing things is not my forte... I hope you are able  do whatever you want to without any troubles or worries in the future ! Management can be a pain... but I am sure you can still succeed at things if you try and have patience!  Whatever you do, do not overwork yourself though! :D  (It's like this message is beaming with positive energy)

I know... I really wish that I could play your game. It seems really unique and interesting! I have not seen something as such before. Alas, it might not be possible but I really do not recommend you remaking it. It must be quite a troublesome and tiresome process, I presume. Not to mention, you had already made it once before. It may seem boring (or not?) if you have to repeat the WHOLE process all over again.  

All that aside, The Graveyard Shift had a very unexpected plot twist! I had not seen that coming and the minor variations caused due to different main characters was really interesting! Overall, I quite enjoyed the game. Looking forward to more  games in the future! :D

(I am going to type the graveyard shifts reply where you can uh... download it? I guess? Just in case someone's curiosity is peaked due to it. )

Have a nice day(or night)! :D

(It didn't take me  a month+ to reply this time!! Also this reply seems biggg... )

The Graveyard Shift had a very unexpected plot twist! I had not seen that coming and the minor variations caused due to different main characters was really interesting! Overall, I quite enjoyed the game. Looking forward to more  games in the future! :D

….. Let us ignore the fact that I am replying this late. Thank you for your suggestion! It did not work, but I could have done something wrong. I will try again later and inform you if things do change! Thank you for your consideration! 

Also, I played 'Dawn of the damned' recently and I must say your work is wonderful! I really enjoyed the plotline and the design of the game is really gorgeous! I will soon be playing 'The graveyard shift' as well.  Thank you for all your efforts and take care! :D

There is no need to apologise. After all, I am quite late as well :') . Ah well, that is a shame. I was looking forward to your game. Guess I will settle for your other games... which seem to be amazing! Also,  I wish you best of luck for the stuff you are working on! Do not overwork yourself though.  :) 

Thank you for the reply!

I am trying soo hard yet I am still not being able to play... each time I try to open the game from the folder I keep getting a message on something called nodewebkit or so and it keeps on telling me, "cannot extract package"... I have enough memory, its not my antivirus, I have even tried other methods etc etc... Do you have any suggestions? :(