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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Whoa, If this doesn't count as winning the game, I don't know what does. Since the skeletons don't scale infinitely, I knew eventually somebody would out-scale them. I already nerfed boots once, guess they're still too strong - If I make more patches to the game, I'll make every boots upgrade weaker than the previous one.

Mocha has aquired power of GUN. Matchas health scales up pretty fast in comparison to the gun upgrades. Pixel art was cute, especially the sleepy Matcha!

Dead hunger... for fast food! I loved the pixel art and animations, but had some trouble to tell which row I was aiming for. Music was great too!

Poppin' game! Both music and graphics were wonderful.

Baking a cake underwater must have been difficult... Good job!

I managed to bake a cake, despite the boxes! LET US COOK. Cute pixel art, good job!

A shame about the spawn point... I enjoyed the pixel graphics from the little I could play! I wonder what the corner bear is up to...

Should have read the instructions before playing, first round I just blasted all the combinations I could as fast as I could! Ended up getting only 300 points... second round went much better. I wish the fireworks would be bigger on the backgrounds, they look so nice! Great job.

Yes to any turnabout games, especially if Matcha is involved. The character art and animation was really stylish!

Fun game, started chill but got really hectic as the speed kept increasing!

What a charming game, got ending 4/4! I liked the texture effect on the characters, Aubrey was my favourite. I might have to do more runs to find out the other endings...

Thank you! I'm still thinking about what kind of game I want to make next, but I might use the framework from this game in future projects! Sadly, they will most likely be less shouty.

Great job, had to take two attempts but managed to protect the cake! The music & visuals were excellent.

At first I tried to fight off the enemies, but turns out sneaking around is much handier... cake get. Good job!

Iggy noo! Sometimes you lose the control of the character, leading to pretty much instant game over. Other than that, cute game!

Lovely artwork, cute cats! The cinematic was charming. I'm no good at rhythm games, but at least I didn't lose!

Difficulty is certainly worthy of the title. I thought the three balloon timer room was the last one because of how cruel the timer was, but the game still kept going after, and I ended up quitting at the second cannon room. I wish adding balloons was a seperate button from jump, like "P" to add and "O" to remove. rapidly mashing space bar to barely meet the timer requirements was quite tough. Great visuals, and the balloon mechanic is interesting! 

Beautiful game, great visuals from both backgrounds and characters! I wish I could've cancelled into parry from attacks, ended up getting hit most of the time. Good thing health items were plentiful.

Cute character design & art! I wish there were volume controls, game was quite loud; had to turn my speakers to minimum. Animations were nice too!

What a charming little game! Reminded me a bit of SkiFree... good thing the yeti didn't show up. Nice pixel art!

It was a bit slow paced at start, I wish I could collect some resources myself while waiting. Character art was nice, so many unique sprites! Music was also chill. Good job!

Haha, I loved the end screen! I really enjoyed the "speedrun" route, moving slow seemed way harder than going lightning speed. Simple and fun mechanic for a platformer!

Absolutely charming pixel art, both the backgrounds and characters! Music was really nice too. Took a bit to figure out what I was supposed to do, but in the end I managed to do all the different dishes (I think). Great job!

Best time I could manage was 2:07, when every problem appears at once it becomes really hard to deal with issues! Took me a while to figure out that "Vomit" didn't mean go to toilet and vomit, but clean up somebody elses mess. Nice pixel art, impressed that you managed to make the whole house!

Great game... as a rhythm game novice, incredibly hard. At least there was no lose condition! Couple things for feedback:
1. I wish the main theme didn't restart when going from title to main menu.
2. The fireworks SFX was a bit loud in comparison to music, maybe an option to adjust sound effects volume seperately from music?

Visuals were clear, and music was amazing!

Base sword deals 4 damage, and base skeleton has 16hp. Each sword upgrade adds 2 damage.
4 damage 4 shots
6 damage 3 shots
8 damage 2 shots
10 damage isn't enough to one shot, you need 3 extra ranks before one shotting. You might want to consider other upgrades rather than trying to one shot with sword... on the other hand, the skeletons get more hp as they gain ranks too!

What a nice game, good challenge with lot of checkpoints too! Pixel art was charming.

Great job! The letters were my favourite part. Only made 1 mistake at the last stage, had to then retry it.

Wonderful Warioware like! I only got 36 points, poor cafe d*t got got closed... Art and story was really fun, and the music was great too!

What a nice simple platformer! I was impressed by the unique backgrounds for each stage. I was struggling to reach the final delivery, until I realized that you can jump right after exiting the pipe. Also, the auto-text was a bit fast for the last lines of dialogue, I barely managed to read the boxes. Character art was very cute, good job!

Thank you! I played the theme on piano and bitcrushed it (like the sound effects), for a quick retro feel. Dealing with depth is the eternal issue of traditional beat'em ups, i tried to make the hitboxes wide & generous, but I guess I still need a bit more. I wanted to avoid making the game too easy too, else you can scale way past the strength of max skeletons (some people have already done it).

Day 1 Patch, nerfed boots upgrade, and skeletons become a bit faster per level. Stacking a ton of boots made kiting too easy.

You're welcome, glad you liked it!

Summer is here! In celebration of the summer sale, I made a new illustration for Chaos Sisters.

Thank you, glad you liked it!

Thank you! In my opinion, the biggest problems were camera being too close/characters being too big, and the jank that comes with high speed physics. Also, giving the character a giant ponytail wasn't the smartest of moves... hair physics is already hard, combined with rocket speeds it's just jank city.

I want to revisit this idea someday, but I have a million ideas for small games currently, so I'm not sure If I'll get it to soon.

No such thing as too many cat puns. Great job!

What a nice idea for a game! Played one round, had a blast.

If the game does well enough, I would like to make a collectors edition with some goods & a usb stick with the game!