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A member registered Dec 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes, just posted an update on my Patreon/Subscriberstar.

tl;dr: working on releasing an alpha version before the final release (the final release will be also released on Steam)

It might take me a week+- to finish the alpha.

There will be music + sounds when the game is released on Steam.

Are you sure? Both the Mega and google drive seem to work fine for me and others

Don't need to be over dramatic. There was a technical issue.

It's fixed now.

This simply means that while the early access is going on, the price will be slightly lower than the completed product.

And, of course, there is a cap.

The reason it was worded like that was because when I wrote it the way I did just now, Steam didn't approve my page and asked me to change it to something similar to what you screenshotted.

And by the way, even if it was true, raising the price just means that there is a benefit to buying it early. I don't see any different between this and giving a discount that will expire after some time.

Thank you! 😊

Yes, all the pictures in the gallery can be found in the game.

Sadly, no walkthrough, at this moment.

Where did you read that? I've never said such things, and it's obviously not true.

I will upload the game here and on Patreon for the same price.

However, steam is a one-time payment and on other platforms is per version...

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1st of March is the plan date as of right now

Thank you! I feel like you really understand what LSS is about

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You can.

When you are presented with the option, just refuse it.