Dear Developer,
i've recently got to try out your engine and enjoyed how user friendly it was.
However, i did feel a little creatively limited by the sprite schemes.
Specifically the enemy sprites felt like a missed oportunity to me because making fully rotating enemies are not possible. I know most beginner devs would have a hard time making 4times the amount of sprites, but i belive there should be atleast the option to toggle rotateable enemies .
I would recommend having a checkbox that toggles something like browser tabs in the enemy sprite menu (front, back, left, right)
I also have some suggestions for weapons.
The first one would probebly be to give the option for a reload animation and a 1 frame cocking animation.
The second one, is purely artistic so i don't blame you for ignoring it, an optional first pick up animation, for those that want to add some flair.
Finally, i suggest adding "custom first person actions". It could work similar to weapons, but instead of swiching to them, an custom action happens once when pressing the selected input, of course with a customizable cooldown. This would allow for fun things such as taunts, the BD kick or quick grenades.
Okay so i know this was a lot and as much as i'd like to see anything implented, i won't whine if all of this gets ignored. You already did more for gaming than SOME COMPANIES did the past decade.