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A member registered Mar 01, 2017

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kool ty for the tips i may just do that. sadly keyboard i have has no num pad.

dude. this game is going to kill my mouse left click button. please for the love of god let us hold the button down to continue spawning units instead of rabid clicking like a crack addict. i dont want to have to buy a new mouse everytime i play this game!

eh no worries its an alpha this is why things are tested and reported otherwise how would you know its broken? hoping you find a fix for it soon!

dunno if this is a known issue but when you enter the dungeon with all the demons and come back out if you built any structures they are gone when you emerge...lost alot of my stuff to this :(.

go into settings in options menu enable defeat sex .

gone. your casting away a useless slut to be used and abused by your minions. she is beneath you now.

how do i drop or discard items?

want to support but no credit card option for payment? i hate paypal with a passion.

No credit card purchase option? i refuse to use paypal anymore for personal reasons.