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A member registered Mar 14, 2022

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Hi, I'm a little confused about the Profession skill. It's important for many rolls and for a wealth roll in winter, but I can see no way of raising that skill (except if you're a Dulkeen).

Really cute game, I love it <3

But can anyone tell em if there's any use of the metal box? I get some items are decorative, but metal box implies it's useful as storage space, but I still can't open/interact with it.

3 special traits, a very pretty white Cave Blossom!
055 9378

I loved it, can't wait for more, it's so interesting, I wonder what's the deal with MC!

"citrine" is not a "lemon", my dear polish translator. It's a gem, it's called "cytryn"...


After playing or a while (this is an amazing game with great replayablility!) I noticed even more errors in Polish translation. There are some dialogues (namely-Badger smith and potion bat) that look terrible, the grammar is all over the place, sometimes it looks like someone put these lines into google translator and didn't read it afterwards

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An obvious ortography error on fire lizard translation, and there's some issues I personaly have (like male-gendered dialogues when your primary character is Purse. Some dialogue and comunicates could easily be switched to genderless forms) plus I get it's beta and the translation might be incomplete but I'm not sure if the translator just didn't miss out a few things (like "gerbil ruffian" where "gerbil" is translated and "ruffian" is not, olm and skink are unstranslated too).

Whoever made the Polish translation made a terrible grammar error...

(1 edit)

I feel like the game needs some items to prevent/remove fire condition. There are items that remove poisons but I haven't seen any that remove fire. Fire Geckos and Grandmaster are such a pain in the ass.. An option to load a saved game after death would be nice instead of having to refresh the page.

I can't wait for the next chapter, it's my favourite interactive novel so far! :)