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Troll Ol

A member registered Apr 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello !!
Thanks you again for your report,
i'll check for these bug ! ☺


I guess It's because of the price difference,
The cost 9$.

Hello, thanks for your feedback
Glad you found it

(2 edits)

For the magic circles, I was sure to have corrected this one, I'll check again for it
thanks again for your report ♥

Which version did you play ?

(Ive checked for winryna but can't find exactly where the error is)

Alright thank you :) I'll check this
For the "cheat' item, I remember to have add it at a moment, so yes, it just help the 'player' to not be spam with battle when searching

(2 edits)

Thank you for your feedback,  I'll check for the queen Bunny,

Physsea is quite a strong opponent(she is the third general afterall :P) (but there is a lot of strong gear to found, it can help to beat her)
I'll look about nerf a little bit her heal, but this is 'beatable' (are you level max ? )
PS: try to use the fire bash skill and crystal magic sword, maybe it can help you :P
-Can you give me more information about the Queen bunny sounds bug ?

☺ alright !
Thank you

(2 edits)

Good find ! Glad you test everything :)
Thanks for your report ♥
You Said second general, You mean Nezha?

Hello !
Thanks for your report !
I'll check for this, you mean the white succubus ?

Thanks for your feedback !

Alright, glad you find it !

can you tell me what and where are you stuck exactly ?

☺ Your welcome !

The cheat item don't dodge the Succubus battle.
It's only in purpose if you don't want to be spam with battle when you search for something in certain area.

Your welcome ☺

Hello !

It's not the end of the current build, but you've miss (or forget) to use a necklace(tineli) in your inventory to have the second gem

I won't release another version so soon, Because I'm working on the story for the next build,
But there will be few bug fix on the next build.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello !
Thanks for your feedback/report !!
I'll check for this !

Hello ! 

I want to really thank you for you detailed feedback !
I know there is few hard battle , So I'll continue to keep a eyes on them,
I'm glad you said from your experience ,which one was your hardest.
With all of the better gear, the battle can be easier, but I still need to find a way to make him more easier without the greatest gear !

Thank you ! ♥

Alright, that's really bad

Even if you donate 2$ more with the 7$ you already paid?
I guess it should work!

Thanks for the report from water spot, it was effectively a bug !
About the sounds,
I'll check for this, when you use teleport !

Ah ,yes it was a mistake from me, it should be a green plant !
About your sound 'bug' it strange, do you remember where it start?
I think there is no way to fix it expect where you'll find another location with this sound it could stop.. I guess..

I was thinking about paying '2 more $' to obtain the new version, but I'm not very familiar yet on this website, So I don't know !
I'll check to make a changelog for the new version, but to resume, it add 3 new battle, all about the dream Succubus "Physsea" and few skill has been slighty buffed, And nerfed few heal from enemy(slighty so I guess I still had to adjust )

For the recollection it was a mistake, but it should be corrected,

 thanks for your feedback anyway !

(1 edit)

Thanks for the report, that's really strange !
I'll check for it.

PS: Tineli gem is from her necklace


Can you provide a screen of the location..
I don't see where !

Thank you ! I'll check for this :)

Again, thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate ! ♥
Understood, but I don't think a lot of things about RNG will change for the current game, about 'out heal' I'll check for this !
But If I plan for a second game, I'll try to make it more 'fair' for sure !

Thanks for your feedback !!
I agree the game is quite RNG... But I want the game quite hard~
And to be honest, I playtest my game myself and I don't think it's very difficulty.. It's probably because I know every weakness or where gear are. (I'll probably  think about add few more gear in shop later on)
I agree the battle have to finish fast very often,  But it's about if you stay too longer in battle with them, they become too strong and will defeat you.. so it's intentionnal if you get too much drain, you'll lose. (I know sometime it can be a bit tricky)

About the double growth (ass+breast) It's a spoiler but it was plan for the final boss and the special boss(with the four elemental rings)

Again thanks for the feedback, sorry for answering here later.