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A member registered Sep 30, 2022

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I tried to reply to him on a comment that at least had something to do with this website (he's very active but to avoid suspicion, I didn't want to reply to him on something that was completely unrelated. The comment I replied to was from months ago but I thought it was good enough since he's on a lot of subreddits that have nothing to do with video games or his game and he hasn't talked about his game in a long time). My comment was to warn him to give a public statement on the status of the development of his game as quickly as possible because people are starting to take action and accusing this game of being a scam. One comment from October of this year said that by the end of that month if Adam doesn't give a public update, they'll report the game as a scam and get this site to remove it. It's long past that month, the game is still up and that commenter hasn't said anything else since, so I can only speculate on whether or not the commenter went through with reporting it or changed their mind. I made it clear to Adam that while I'm worried about the development of his game too and want him to make a transparent statement on how it's going instead of being silent, I was more worried about his game possibly being removed behind his back because people are crying "scammer." I told him that my main message was for him to make an update as quickly as possible before someone takes it down when he's not looking, I don't even care if it's cancelled or not at this point. It's been about a week since I posted that comment and he has yet to respond.

He's still active on Reddit. He's fine.

It's been about two weeks and you've been suspiciously silent about what happened to the full version. Even on Twitter you've said nothing despite still pinning the Steam page for the full version of the game that was removed. It happened to be removed very close to when you planned to release it too. Could you please at least make a public statement? Why are you so quiet about it?

The Steam page is gone! What Happened!?

I think this game is ok. It has some good ideas and reminds me of It Steals, but it needs to be fleshed out a bit more. There doesn't seem to be a purpose to all the cash you get. The game also only has a few sound effects and without more or even some music, the game just feels empty, and not in a good way. I've also encountered a bug where seemingly at random when I start another game from the main menu, the audio completely disappears and I have to Alt+F4 the game in order to fix it. There's some potential here and I did enjoy it alright, it just needs some fleshing out.

How do I make this fullscreen?

How do you deal with the bee hives? There's one at the watchtower (which wasn't in video clips), and the goddamn bees cost me so much of my health! I thought throwing rocks at it would stop it, but nope! Even with the hive on the ground, the bees are still there! There was a note talking about needing something to deal with bees, but if it's something I need to find, I can't find it since I'm trying to play the game in the order that it wants me to, and I haven't ran into any tool or item before I have to go up the watchtower.

You said there was google doc that explains more about the story, but I don't see it and can't find a link anywhere.

I'm still waiting for the full release. At least we have Home Safety Hotline which is the closest to this game's concept but a bit more unique with how it uses folkloric monsters that you'd expect in fairy tales like fairies, gnomes, goblins, etc.

I have an idea! Maybe you can make Larry or Willy Mack a reoccurring character in your games akin to Hidden Mickeys or the Adventure Time snail (maybe when Night of the Consumers finally gets updated and completed, you can add a piece of graffiti in one of the later nights that says "Willy Mack was here.").

You're welcome.  :)

This is a huge fear that I've always had since I was a kid so I'm glad that someone made a game based on this (though the jumpscare was too quiet and soft for it to have the right affect. I do like the face you put on it though). Also, I decoded the code and... you sneaky bastard! I like your sense of humor with the secret endings of this game and using a Spongebob meme to tease your game on Twitter is amazing!

It won't let me choose my credit card.

This was amazing! I'm really desperate for more so I'm glad there would be a full version. I love how it's inspired by It Follows.

This gives me Kitty Horrorshow vibes.

Are you still working on your games? It's been a year of silence and your twitter account is gone so I'm very worried about you.

It works now. Thank you so much!

I want to buy this, but unfortunately I don't have the right currency (I have USD rather than AUD), and I don't have a PayPal.

In Sunk Costs, not all of the tv screens are there. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

You weren't being rude. It was pretty huge.  :)

What's this next update?

(1 edit)

I still love this game and want to play it again, but this dlc is getting annoying to play. I'm hunting the bunny and it's starting to become less forgiving in a very frustrating way. If I try to take my time and focus entirely on stealth, the bunny gets away (especially when they're so far away that it took me a few tries to realize what the right route was), but if I speed my way through, I cause a panic and get caught by the police, and my stamina is too small and recharges too slowly anyway so I end up wasting more time. When I get chased by a cop, I can moonwalk and wack them on the head, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't so I don't know if it's skill or timing the delay in between my button presses and the distance of the cop. I take my mallet out and unequip it way too slowly, giving the npcs enough time to react before I could hit them or hide the mallet. The npcs also move way too fast. They walk too fast, they run too fast and if I try to sneak on one right behind it, they would either keep walking just as I get close to it making it harder for me to hit them (especially with how slowly I take the mallet out), or they turn around to face me anyway even when there's no sound cue or thought bubble to indicate that they actually noticed me. I'm sorry for being so harsh, I was just so frustrated. Again, I do still love the game but the difficulty of the dlc is getting too unforgiving for me.

I've never had interest hunting in real life either, but hunting games have always appealed to me for some reason.

These types of games were my childhood and you've done a pretty good job at replicating them. I've wanted to make a horror game like this that accurately recreates old hunting games with a horror twist.

Why do the bunnies sound like guinea pigs?


What even is the story for this game anyway? I thought it was an alien invasion or something but the ending seems to imply something more psychological with it being about the traumatic memory of a man losing his family in a fire and having suicidal thoughts about how he should've drove into the burning house instead. Were those red lights supposed to symbolize the desperation of the driver trying to get home to his family? Why were there so many abandoned cars all over the place?

Ironically, the fact that you're shooting plungers makes me think of Rayman Raving Rabbids.

Am I the only one who notices that this guy is literally The Babadook?

This reminds me of No One Lives Under The Lighthouse.

  Same. I want to like this game and I still do, I'm still playing it, but the more I play it, the more frustrating it gets, regardless of how many times I restart or continue from my last save. It's like the game gets progressively buggier and more unfair each time I start it. First of all, there's no indication as to how Siren Head sees me, he just seems to chase me when he feels like it, which is a lot (not helping is that the game doesn't give me time to see him until it's too late). He also doesn't run away sometimes which happens more and more I play and restart. He just stands there and starts the chase sequence again and catches me because I can't outrun him, or he would get blocked by a tree and go back to chasing me again right after. Also, despite me using a rifle and not a shotgun or something, my shots don't affect him from further away, so he has to be close enough or else I would die mid-reload animation which I'm forced to sit through as well as have an extra short delay before I can shoot again. Finding extra ammo is incredibly unfair and unreasonable, I didn't even realize there was also extra ammo in that building to turn on the power until multiple playthroughs later, I was only able to get lucky with ammo preservation because I died so many times. Also for whatever reason, after I got an ending for the first time, the objective notifications have never shown up again since, even though I didn't get that ending in one go without dying. This isn't a problem for me because I know what to do and I also use the waypoint marker button, but it annoys me because I don't think this was intentional and I have no way of fixing it, there isn't even any clear indication in the local files. Also, the "quest log" button does absolutely nothing. I thought it would fix the notification problem but nope, it does nothing no matter how many times I press it. By the way, this was all on "easy" mode, I hate to imagine what the other difficulties are like without me tearing my hair out.