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A member registered 32 days ago

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I know nothing about coding, but here's an idea... In the game, triggers appear on screen  (such as the floating blue sleep trigger at the front door of your farm house). 

When your'e close enough to a blue floater, the associated keys to it are added to the list of keys in the top-left corner of the screen... So the idea is this :  have the track switch levers act like the floating icons, but increase their range, so the closest track switch lever, when in range, shows two keys in the top-left menu ( for switching the track left and right). These keys can then be pressed by the player to change the position of the closest track switch lever. [The menu could also be set up to always display the keys for the closest  switch lever, when onboard a train]. 

I'm sure all coding is hard! But this idea uses existing in-game mechanics to try to create a solution. I think its a good idea, but I've no idea is it's even possible  :) 

Thanks for the reply. It's a fair point you make about making the trains more realistic; but your stability update will be good though to reduce derailments a bit... one update you could consider (and I think someone else mentioned it somewhere!) is having some way to move the switch levers at track intersections without having to stop and get out of the train. 

The in game trains don't detail... Will you be adding a feature to maybe turn on/off train derailment? Or maybe remove it altogether? (Only found this mod yesterday - nice mod :) )