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A member registered May 09, 2023

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Yeah... you didn't "buy" the game, it's free and I can confirm, the screenshots are in game, just a bit later on

(5 edits)

so what's the difference between paid and free ver?
just the extra art on the phone?

ok I may or may not have underestimated how much content is behind the patreon/subscriber wall

wrong again, I think, man your pay walls are confusing 

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Nah, if the dev doesn't want to bother with properly advertising their game, I don't want to bother playing it.

no images? how am I supposed to know what I'm buying?

it's only right to ask for money after a product is done

I've ran into them too, gonna compile them and send it over at dc

yup, that sold me, I'm getting the app

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bruh, I just completed the 6h download and there is already a new update, this is impossible 

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This sure is a challenge to download, already failed twice and with my internet speeds it takes ~6h give or take, maybe steam is a better option but I do like having the full fines on hand.

No pictures to advertise it? How am I supposed to know what type of game am I downloading?