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A member registered Mar 15, 2019 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Yay! We're so greatful you like it. Did you also receive the prize money?

Hello! Sorry for the late reply! My email is, if you'd like to send me your shipping address and/or any other details you want to add. :)

Hello! Mexico is fine. Are you comfortable with email? My email is:

Hello! Thank you for your submission! You've won third place! We'll be giving your prize money, as well as a free t-shirt!

There's a few things we need:

  • Shirt size
  •  Address to send the t-shirt
  •  Payment method (paypal, check by mail, etc)

Thank you so much for participating!

- Español -

Hola ¡Gracias por su presentación! ¡Has ganado tercer lugar! ¡Le daremos el dinero de su premio y una camiseta gratis!

Hay algunas cosas que necesitamos:

  • Talla de camisa
  • Dirección para enviar la camiseta.
  •  Método de pago (paypal, cheque por correo, etc.)
¡Muchas gracias por participar!

Hello! Thank you for your submission! You've won second place! We'll be giving your prize money, as well as a free t-shirt for you and your team!

There's a few things we need:

  • Shirt sizes of all those involved in the development of the game
  •  Address to send the t-shirts (preferably a single address) 
  •  Payment method (paypal, check by mail, etc)

Thank you so much for participating!

Hello! Thank you for your submission! You've won first place! We'll be giving your prize money, as well as a free t-shirt!

There's a few things we need:

  • Shirt size
  •  Address to send the t-shirt
  •  Payment method (paypal, check by mail, etc)

Thank you so much for participating!

As long as you work out the logistics (you have a PayPal account or are ok with mailing a paper check to your house, etc.), and your parent or adult guardian approves, then sure 👍

Thanks for submitting!! Your game looks awesome!

Keep in mind for the submission to be able to win money, you have to provide instructions for how to get it running in the file you put in your repo.

Yes you can.

Hi and sorry to the 11 participants and anyone else that would like to participate.  The Jam has been extended to the end of April because nobody had submitted anything, and there were significant open questions.

To clarify, you can use *ANY* product to develop, as long as you share your source that you used to make the game, i.e. you can use Unity, RPG Maker, and any paid product, as long as you make the code for your game available to the community, and the game must run in a browser.  It doesn't have to be compatible with every browser either.

Please submit your game by the end of the month and take this grubby money off our hands! :)

Yes you can. Sorry for the delay in the reply. You can use anything that runs in the browser as long as you post your source.

Yes you can. Sorry I missed this. Was not getting notifications. The Jam is for browsers, it doesn't necessarily have to be Javascript as long as it transpiles to it.

Yes it's allowed

You just make a game

Anything you make public is fine.

U can buy an ladder to get u high.

oic. haz doktor hav sad feelz about ur problemz than u can haz drugz

Yes, make a github repo and put all of your stuff in there.  You don't have to make it public until the contest is over if you're worried about bastids just copying you, but you do have to make it public once you're ready to be rated and see your score.

If you'd like feedback from the judges as you develop, you can add them to your repo: "onexdata", "space-dweeb" and "c-49" are the github accounts that are going to be the judges.

No, submissions will not be accepted without a github repo attached to them.  You must share everything you do with the world. If you never learned to share, you probably don't want to join this jam.  Post questions related to these concerns here.

No, drugs are bad.

(1 edit)

Yes you can. If you win you might have to fight to the death to split the winnings and the t-shirt, so make sure you iron out that yourself *before* you win. Also, you must tell us who will receive winnings if you plan to work as a team. We can only send them to one person.

Yes you can, just win the contest. If you have questions related to winnings, post them here.