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A member registered Aug 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Finished watching yesterday, pretty awesome

Alright, btw Pluto is actually Violet (Yes that's her name) so I'm glad i made everything clear, can't wait for the sequel!

(2 edits)

Just a few things about the game just to clear up some confusion and to help you if you do end up playing the game again. 

  1. Purple is actually a Female (Evident by her eyelashes in some renders and her bowtie.)
  2. You don't need to play audio on Cam 3 until Night 4
  3. There is more to one night, it doesn't tell you there is but there are more, click on Load Game and you should go to Night 2 and could possibly end up beating the game.
  4. Do gotta warn you, When Magenta is active, she screams when she runs away (This is because I forgot to get rid of the Jumpscare sound from the code.)Also I forgot how she worked so, (SPOILER): When Greg says to pull up your camera, do the opposite and stare at Magenta, she should go away eventually.

Hope that clears everything up!

Full Game is Out, go play

Hi, sorry I must've uploaded the demo version by accident, I'll upload the full V1 game ASAP

Thanks for letting me know