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A member registered Jun 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I’ve never been so mentally messed up after a game, until I played this one 

Great game and keep it going 

This Game Is Disturbing | Bad Parenting

Don’t forget to subscribe 

This is why you don’t do your homework

Coagulation Station | The Blood!!!

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but I’ve never been so creeped out by the aesthetic before. 
great game and keep it up 

Late Laundry Together

this is why I never do my laundry. great game keep it up

Kiosk | Would You Work Here??

Great game and I want more of this idea. Maybe one in a mall, same game just in a mall 

He was so nice to invite me over to see his new apartment 

Great game keep it up

Can't wait to wake up in the middle of the night and get some food.

great game and I hope to see more


I want more of this game plz. It had me going and I wanted it to go longer 

Great game keep it up!

This game had me going. Great game and I hope to see more 


10/10 game and I can’t wait to see the full game. Keep it up and you will be the new poppy playtime. Don’t stop making 

love it lo

immortalize me Night or should I say Mr. Forger lol 

I think my dog is broken?

Great game my friend, keep up the good work!

lol bet

well I never said I didn't have demons of my own lol. keep it up I will play more and more by you. Great game

once again you got me haha. thanks for reaching out to me about this game it was fantastic to play. keep up the good work. 

I don't know what was worse the demon thing from hell or the damn FBI guy out of nowhere. great game and I can't wait for me.

ok i will

I want a longer version of this game plz.

Great game and I hope you keep it up!

yeah, no problem, if you do make more might I add something. keep us in the dark 

Bou's Revenge | DID YOU MISS ME!!!

This game weirdly has potential to grow for a sequel which I hope you’re working for

Loved the endings and the scares. 

Great game

Make more horror games plz

Great game and plays smooth

Make more of this plz 

This game was a great way to show end horror instead of horror throughout. 

Great game

I love the games you yall make, short, sweet, fun.


Great game, keep it up. 

Great game, I would love if there's more on the way but if there isn't I will understand. 

Keep up the hard work and see you later! 

RUN!!! is the only thing I could do. he is fast and, on your ass, lol.

Great game and i want more.... make more.

Nightmare fuel is all I have to say

Great game here and I can't wait for more.

Like every game I wish it was longer lol

Great game and I really hope you make more and longer content. 

This game has so much potential and i hope you make more.

Great animation

Great story 

Great scares

Great game   

My friend you made a game from an old asset and still made it horrifying, I commend you in the highest way possible 

Great job and I really hope you make more.

this game made me want to jump into the lava as well BUT in a good way. 

this game was stupid fun and I really enjoyed it. 

please make more like this in the future 

I want more. This game was a breath of fresh air, with the following and Skinwalker idea.

Great job, Keep it up. 

This game was amazing for just 2 weeks of work.

Keep it up and I hope you find a future with this talent you possess!

I will never trust an old man again; I loved the pixel style game and feel. 

Great game and I hope you make more. 

This game didn't seem all that scary until I got down and dirty with the Big G, I know that this was a fast made game but I would love to see more off this game.

Great game keep it up.

This game had me going for the longest time and I thought I was going to get to go upstairs but no I get murdered for doing laundry. 

Great game hope to see more.


This game is good, and I would hope you mad more off this game I would love to see it in the future. 

Bite size or not I was scared out of my mind, great job on this unique horror game. 

PS remind me not to go blind lol just a joke for now.