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Toyseller Studios

A member registered Jan 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Short answer - yes. 

Detailed answer - we wish to be on, steam, gog and epic. It all depends on the state of each store towards indie developers at the time of launch. And we are very much against exclusivity. 

We are looking for a closed beta by Mar 2020. Looking at the status of the closed beta, we shall decide on the early access dates and the price. For now, we are expecting it to be priced in between $9.99 - $15.99. We don’t have a plan to go free-to-play with this title but again, we might change this decision upon how the game evolves through development and market situation at that point of time.


Sorry for being silent on the blog.  I am hard at work for the prototype to be completed, if that’s what you were asking. If you are wondering about the release date, we are looking at end of 2020 for this game. But again, as we go through the prototyping process if we find that the game is not as fun as we thought it would be then we will have to take more time to iterate. Thanks for understanding. 

Sorry, the prototype is not at a stage to be shared. A build will be ready by end of May. Until then we can only shared posts of the prototype.