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A member registered Aug 12, 2021

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this is haraam

(2 edits)

Made an account for the purpose of leaving a comment here.

Spoilers ahead! 

Game in it's current state is near amazing. The storyline is something that particularly interested me, which is rare for any games, nevermind a free erotic indie novel. Scenes are well made and rendered, though the angles could be improved. Dialogue is easy to follow and everything the girls and MC say makes sense, though the names could be improved (bold stylized font is relatively hard to read, perhaps space it out more?).

The only thing i found counter-intuitive is right at the end of my playtime of 0.10.9, the end of Pixie's quest thread right before you acquire the blue potion. The love card popup stated something along the lines of "explore the outskirts for someone magical" and so I did so, returned to the caretaker and went to the forest where you encounter Lyx with the "your hat is missing again" dialogue, and because I had already finished the current Lyx questline I never thought to return to the cottage.

This was partly my fault, but I believe it would be beneficial to change it to something akin to "maybe lyx can help with pixie's problem", since there is no way the PC hasn't unlocked the cottage by that point, as to get to that stage in Pixie's questline you need to complete Chloe's, which ties directly in to Lyx's. Just one thing that I thought could easily be improved. Overall, amazing work! 

I'm looking forward to being able to play the rest of these questlines, as the main story is genuinely interesting, and I am looking forward to the introduction of more powerful entities that Gramps foreshadowed. 

Edit: formatting, still have barely any clue as to what these buttons on the bottom do, but I seem to have it figured out now.