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Tortoise Games

A member registered Mar 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's the most likely case since I have a ultrawide monitor

Really cool gave some things you could've done is show the players health. Another thing that would be intresting is to have some kind of mecahnic where slimes the same size could combine with eachother. but this was a very fun and enjoyable experience congrats and I hope to see you in the next game jam :)

(1 edit)

Maybe this is a stupid question but do you need Dialogue Designer for this? And vice versa do you need this for dialogue Designer  I am using godot 3.2

Love the gameplay and graphics, I had a lot of fun playing it would be nice if there were more levels, the soundtracks are keeping me exited and smashing the virus is just a fun thing, I had a problem where everything is zoomed in so couldn t really see the text, that's probably because I have an ultra wide monitor so yea. Anyway really loved the game