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A member registered Nov 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think it's interesting. Gimmicks are also good.

It's very interesting! That's very nice. It's difficult but it's good!

The character is cute! I think the expression when you guess the problem is also good.

First of all, the music is really good! It was fun to do it. If there are variations, I want to try more.

I think it's interesting. However, I felt that the color of the numbers was a little hard to see.

Are you a genius? It's too amazing. I felt it was a little difficult. But it's interesting.

I really like this. I can't stand the sound when the bullet bursts!

I think it's a very wonderful game. I felt that it was a game that was good at both education and play. This is interesting.

I think this game is difficult. It was too difficult to clear it. It would be fun if I did it.

The idea is interesting! The difficulty level is just right, and you can have fun playing.

I think it's interesting. It's easy to operate and it's good to be able to play casually.

It's very wonderful. I think programming is also amazing.

It's too amazing! The gameplay is interesting and easy to operate, but it's set to the difficulty level that I think it's difficult for me as a Japanese person, and I felt it was a very good game in terms of education.

I think it's interesting. I like the expression of drunkenness when I make a mistake once.

It's very wonderful. The movement of the character is also smooth and easy to operate. I think the creation skills are also wonderful.

Thank you for playing the game.

That's right. Thank you


I am studying life science.

My hobby is tennis.

My favourite game is Apex Legends.

I will make a memorizes Japanese place name game for this jam.