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Toon Pimp

A member registered Apr 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

In the midst of these trying times as a dev, apparently only attracting colleagues on a site like this rather than real players is very much a thing. Plus, the genre of fighting is niche enough on its own, and the sex side of it is only encouraged by free loops edited over terrible sprite baselines, given the worst noises around, then distributed through shady video hosting platforms who have an open bias with you when you're daring to upload similar things to content that's already on that site, and you're shut down for MUGEN material. My problem there, however, is that I'm not popular and passed around as a name enough. In this day and age, unpopularity does anyone in that's trying to do the good'n dirty on a digital platform. So who's the bigshot, ToonPimp, then? Well, I'll indulge a smidge of the IRL biopic.
TP started out in adult comics. So, would anyone seeing this game be up for still image content? Admittedly, Fight Palace as a game hasn't really had any extra  promo materials involved, but my sin therein also goes back to involving good marketing.
I'm not beholden, as I realize, to any in-depth blog posts, but some articles I've read would probably say otherwise.

Want actual updates as soon as they're available? Get up into either one of our two Patreons or SubStar.                  'Run or Rape' main game content                       Older foot fetish posts                       Extremely controversial shocker toon materials pushin' the adult envelope!!!

If you wish to simultaneously support the project at any time, and get a "real" copy of the game that coincides with all the Discord forum posts and junk on this fakie Discussion board, until further notice, or until I can work better sales out, the pledge has to be $5+.

Now, if you're still reading this, I'll fill you A LITTLE in on what Patreon won't allow for lurker readups. *AHEM*

*Still-being-reworked fight moves and styles (Minerva and Michelle, neither in this demo, recently gained 6-button SF fight styles)
*Interactive stages (I expect contrarians here, but newer fighting games don't include enough of these I think)
*Further nerfs, further character buffs. Glossed, right? God, just get me the sex you shit.
*Full Funk motif for the soundtrack
*Reworked sex sounds (The 5 ASMR kids clapped.)
*Find other MUGEN characters such as Pepe le Rapiste and a transforming Peter Puppy from EWJ that are still not elsewhere.
*The lewdest Tom cats around! The TomTom Detective Agency, headed by Dickory! Minju Wolf also gains 2 front-RAILING anims!

Otherwise, you can have our forum link again. We're usually available, and joining and lurking's totally free. Admittedly it's easier to arrange the move lists on this discussion board. I hope those new to this retain an open mind while acknowledging they pay for both a guy's livelihood and a unique piece of interactive adult 'art'. Good day and luck to you fellauxz.

(9 edits)


Prologue: Reflections of Obsidian

In age-old, forgotten times,

Gavrik now sat in a dark cave, staring before an imported obsidian mirror, gazing into his dim reflection with dissatisfaction. His father, Uorsin, had led their tribe well, but Gavrik felt a calling to something greater. In his mind, he heard the commanding voice of Froggou, urging him to dig deeper into the earth, into its very caverns. The journey here was already long and arduous. There would be no going home.

In one eye, he saw to a legacy he'd enshrine for future generations.
But in the other, it stayed rooted in the trance of Froggou's majesty.

Chapter 1: Across the Sea

And so, with a small group, Gavrik had set sail out across the sea, to arrive at the land mass we'd recognize now as Long Island. He soon thereafter began carving out a plot of land for his castle. However, the island was already home to indigenous inhabitants, who fiercely protected the nearby Froggou asteroid.

Like a ghost over him, not his own judge of character, far from his own father, Gavrik was simply no longer himself. A ferocity lain beneath him, unmatched, and the words of his othered were now unheeded. He glared brightly now with a menacing, almost palpable aura.

Chapter 2: Displacing a Long Culture

His zealous efforts to create a new progressive land, were marred by the tempt of power and rule. Gavrik's once-small group displaced and enslaved the island's people, even so far as executing those who resisted. Froggou, that had once remained a somewhat neutral presence inside Gavrik's mind, was now intimately, and abhorrently familiar with violence.

Chapter 3: The Ancestrion Rises

As Gavrik dug deeper into the land, he'd suddenly struck something stubborn, and begun to suspect something was off. He had inadvertently unleashed dormant virions from the Froggou asteroid, which mutated Earth's flora and fauna into anthro creatures. The virus granted some individuals once-impossible combat talents, extenuated by manipulating universal anti-matter (known thereon as NRG). To scholars, it was now known as our "Ancestrion."

Chapter 4: From a Far-Away Galaxy, the Future

Underneath the center of Gavrik's palace had lain a long-dormant concentration of mystically charged atoms- luminous, but brief of presence. Gavrik only believed the virus to be dead as it gathered to a center point, clustered, and disappeared almost instantly in a dull virulent flash. Gavrik had nary caught a true glance.

Chapter 5: Emergence of Fight Palace Island

The fragments of Froggou that became one with Earth's atmosphere led to the emergence of furries, with Froggou itself now longing to conquer other civilizations and galaxies. The world would never be the same, whilst Gavrik and his group would collectively be known as The Mining Kings in historical texts, the knowledge of ground zero for the Ancestrion shielded from public eyes. The final deed Gavrik doted to this plot of land involved providing nude amnesty for all creatures upon it. The Palace's castle walls were erected, and now it was all set in stone.

Chapter 6: Descendance of that Which Was

In the present day, Fight Palace Island is a nudist paradise tainted by the blood of both Froggou's victims and the invisible hand it had helped deal Gavrik's rule. ToonPimp, a Bunnicula born of one of Gavrik's ancestors and a rabbit furry mother, now sponsors and even fights in the Fight Palace tournament, using profits from cannabis dispensaries.

Chapter 7: A Combatant's Eternal Struggle

While clothing is optional on Fight Palace Island, the world at large has lived for thousands of years with furries, some born as others are made, with ethical lines crossed aplenty to hide disturbing truths. In modern tongue, the Ancestrion is now known to researchers as the "Chronostrand."

Michelle, a bounty hunter in pursuit of her latest target, enters the tournament with her own agenda of discovering Chronostrand's clandestine origins. But she is unaware that its intent is to unleash an ancient evil that was lying in wait for longer than a millennia.

Meanwhile, Dickory of the TomTom Agency is also entering the tournament, now staring into his own dilemma of blowing the lid on ToonPimp's investors or accepting a hush fund. What's rent to him when the world's still turning? But even he's now begun to hear the spread of the town. The new, hip word on the block- Froggou. What could be the connection??

Chapter 8: An Ancient Tongue, Longing

As Froggou's sacrificial power reaches a zenith, Michelle faces a tough and ancient temptation much as Gavrik himself did: allow Froggou to fully imbue her with its planetary essence, or put her differences aside for Earth? The cycle may repeat after all...

Chapter 9: Our Nature Expanded/Divided

The public is unaware of the Mining Kings' roles in the initial virus outbreak, barely aware of their ancestry, all while they cite Froggou as Chronostrand, named initially as the Ancestrion. The conversal point through pure blood sacrifices has now created a partial fading, though incomplete portal to Froggou's homeworld itself.

Chapter 10: Of Blood and Seed

As Froggou's victims had increased in number over the years, Michelle is only now its latest call of fate. With Earth hanging in the balance, Michelle is left with little reason to not succumb. Furries' names were dragged through the mud by journal outlets the past century over. Never granted higher positions of power, Mr. ToonPimp was an incredibly odd exception to the rule... but now it's do-or-die time for the fight money at the center of that fame.

Epilogue: N(ucelotide) R(iot) G(ift)

\\//\\//Seen more within fighters, other people aren't typically pressed to harness its uniquely charged properties. Not all is still known about the biological particulate scientifically, but it's always been a part of us, to the point that possibly around a decamillennium ago, 'furries' may have then shown themselves, cross-referenced by our current findings and backed against a lack of any furry fossils or DNA evidence to suggest they lived any time beyond the Neolithic Age. This study now concludes, specifically by (and comorbid to) this evidence, that a naturally occurrent phenomena, which even happens daily for some, is typically observed as mystics use, stemming from constant protein mutations- then spontaneously emerging from clustered packs of Chronostrand, and via stimulation through universal weak force is tapped into within a warrior's mind: NRG.\\//\\//

These are a few tips I've gathered for this ero-fighter project as it was being developed, in no particularly organized order:

At the moment in the sampler demo, some characters can link light attacks to light attacks, but you'll definitely end your combo sequence with a hard. Hard-enough attacks will return the opponent to neutral positioning on contact, or at least pretty far. Gunther can launch the opponent with his Cock Toss grab, but may also lift them slightly off their feet with Hard Crouch Swipe, which may logically be followed with a super move. Foxy Roxy can launch opponents with her Handstand Attack. If you recognize an opponent's "uppercutted," you may chase them by immediately jumping up as normal, and you'll gain extra airtime to hit them with.

A final note here for character tech: if you know a bit of how Ryu/Ken control in the OG Street Fighter II, it should actually apply to Gunther's move cancels.

Connect any opponent's move you've blocked immediately with your character's dodge-roll/hop/whatever when you have at least .5 of the NRG bar to BLOCK-DODGE. For your further use and encouragement of the technique, when your health is in Critical state (you'll know it from the flashing colours), you'll slowly regain NRG back to 1 bar's worth. Past that point, you gotta take the hits or gain your own bars, xon.

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! Here are the moves culled to the actual playable characters on the Itch Demo! (SO FAR)



Up (In Air): DoubleJump
A (standing): Mid Kick
B (standing): High Kick [OTG]
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
C (standing, 2 NRG!): Hyper Anaconda (beats P2 repeatedly, devours if dead!)
B+Z (Near P2): Oral SeX Grab
Z (standing): Rising Dong
A+B (Near P2): Vanilla Fuck
A+C: Single Cumshot
X+Y: Cum Smattering (1 NRG, hyper projectile volley)
|\ ->+X (slides across!): Reverse Cowgirl Fuck


Fifi: **has Furball for an assist character

A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
Z(standing, near P2): Knee Groin (This is a grab attack)
C(standing, near P2): Regular Throw
B+Y (in air): Dark Nebula (Delivers 3 hits hovering slowly, knocks P2 back.)
|\ -> + B (in air): Air Muzzler throw
A+B+Z (2 NRG): Call Furball [Chases P2 continually to smack with tennis racket; OTG. Can be killed in a few hits.]
|/<- + Y: Fart Gas [Knocks P2 away.]
| , | + Y: Dynamite Fart (standing)
|\ -> + A+B (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Combo 1 (Flurry of normals leading into massive fart clouds.)
|\ -> + X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Mega Fart (Tail whip to OTG, 4 vertical fart clouds.)
X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Omega Fart (Fart cloud homes in on target for some time.)



A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Whip
C (standing): Suplex grab
A (crouching): Low Kick
B (crouching): Slide Kick
Z (standing): Macro Kick (anti-air)
->+B (standing/close to P2): Overhead Toss
<- , ->+A(standing): Vector Boom (projectile)
|\ -> + X+Y (1 NRG): Hurricane Buzzsaw (Massive disc, several hits into OTG)
|\ -> + A+B (1 NRG): Photon Cannon (Massive laser, OTG, several hits like previous move)



A (standing): Light Tailsmack
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Swipe
Y (standing): Hard Swipe
Z (standing): Suplex
Z (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Cock Twirler
Y (standing, touching P2): Cock Slap Destroyer
| + C (crouching): Standard Cock Twirl
\ + C: Dodge Roll
A+X (standing, close to P2): Cock Toss
X+Y (standing, close to P2): BootyJuke
|/<- , ->+Y (standing): Tumbler (Leaves player open for a few seconds if missed)

Nude Foxy Roxy:

A (standing): Light Kick

B (standing): Medium Kick
<-+B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
C (standing): Whiplash Kick
|\ -> +Y: Leg Clinch (Throw)
|\ -> + C: Ultra Fireball (1 NRG)
|\ -> A/B (standing): Rolling Sweep (Clears most of the screen)
<-/|\ ->+a/b (standing): Spinning Roll Attack (Rolls across screen, hits max to 6 times)
| /,<-+a/b/x/y (standing): Handstand Attack (OTG)
->\ |/ <-,->+X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Mega Roll [Hits more than standard]
|/<-|\ ->+ a (standing): Final Beatdown X
|/<-|\ ->+ b (standing): Final Beatdown Y
A+B+X+Y (standing, 4 NRG! Must be hit right before pose to counter): Mega Beatdown [Hyper counter move.]
A+X or Z (standing, direction optional): Evade
A+B (standing, 1 NRG, After guarding an attack; Standing/Crouching): Counter Kick-away


|\ ->+Y (standing): Self Shot
|/<-+B (standing): Hurricane Kick
->|\ +X (standing): Cat Upper
->+B (standing): Cat Piledriver
->+Y (standing): Cat Suplex
|\ ->+A+B (standing, 1 NRG): Self Shot Flurry
|\ ->+X (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Brawl

(4 edits)

Moves list as of 0.9955:

<-: Back
/: Down-Back
|: Down
\ : Down-Forward
->: Forward

->\ | /<- or similar directions must be rotated smoothly if you see no commas between them.

NRG= Power bar gains
OTG= Off The Ground attack


--NOTE-- Moves with * next to them can cause extra damage to P2 if they're caught next to Michelle via OTG.

* * Means that the strength differs with button chosen

A(standing):Light Kick
B(standing):Med Kick
C(standing):Hard Kick [OTG]
X(standing):Light Punch
Y(standing):Med Punch
Z(standing):Hard Punch
A+B(standing):Dodge Roll
/ (while jumping onto the back edge of screen): Walljump
<- / | \ ->,X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Senkuu Froguken  (Hyper projectile volley) *
<-+X (standing) : Norm Throw
<-+Y (standing) : Suplex Grab
A+X (standing, 1 NRG): Adrenal Rush (Speedup/Attack Increases)  *
|\->+X/Y/Z (standing): Froguken (Projectile) * *
<-,->B+Y (standing): StickyTongue (Draws P2 in near Michelle, long range, Stuns P2)
->|\ + X/Y/Z: Shorfroguken (Uppercut, anti-air) * *
|\->+C (standing, 2 NRG): Hyper Stickytongue Vore (kills P2 if health low enough)


Up (In Air): DoubleJump
A (standing): Mid Kick
B (standing): High Kick [OTG]
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
C (standing, 2 NRG!): Hyper Anaconda (beats P2 repeatedly, devours if dead!)
B+Z (Near P2): Oral SeX Grab
Z (standing): Rising Dong
A+B (Near P2): Vanilla Fuck
A+C: Single Cumshot
X+Y: Cum Smattering (1 NRG, hyper projectile volley)
|\->+X (slides across!): Reverse Cowgirl Fuck


A: Light Flex
B: Hard Flex [OTG]
X: Light Punch
Y: Hard Claw
C: Inferno Penis
-> B (Lying on the ground after being tripped): Wakeup Dick
[direction away from wall] + B: Wallbounce to flying dick
-> Y (standing/near P2): Tripleslap Vault Slam (patent pending).
X (while dashing): Final Crash
Z: Sublime Fantasma Supremo (1 NRG, hyper move, flies at P2 and autocombos them if caught for high dmg)
|\->|\-> + Y: Snooze (Full NRG bar needed! Hyper move! Refills all health, but can only be performed while in critical condition)

Peter Puppy:

A (stand/crouch): Flip Kick (covers some distance)
B: Bomb Toss [See * * ]
X: Light Punch
Y: Hard Punch
Z: Hard Dickswipe
C (1 NRG): Angry Monster Transform [See *]
|+B (in air): Wheelpress
C (in air): Jump kick
\ +Z (in air): Corkscrew Bone
|+Z (in air): Downplummet
-> Y (standing, touch P2): Dick Chastise
-> C (standing, touch P2): Vault Toss
Z (Crouching): Hard Dickswipe
Y (Crouching): Upper-Kick
|\-> Y+B (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Penis Twirler Flashy Attack Combo
X (dashing): Rolling Blitz
Y (dashing): Double Upper-Kick (OTG! Hard to aim.)

*[Peter gains superstrength and super-armor for the duration of the mode. Hard to KO when he's in this super-armor.]

* *BombToss forms::: Ground level (arcs with distance),

While jumping: |+B to drop it straight, or \ to arc the bomb** 


* * Means that the strength differs with button chosen

->-> (standing): Dodge Roll
A (standing): Light Kick (covers minor distance)
B (standing): Med Kick (covers minor distance)
C (standing): Mallet Twirl (stationary but large coverage)
X (standing): Light Mallet Jab
Y (standing): Med Mallet Whack
Z (standing): Hard Elbow Jab (covers minor distance)
X+Z (standing w/ one meter): Mallet Throw Frenzy
|\-> X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Mallet Vortex
|\-> A+B (standing, 1 NRG): Malleureppa (3 repeating Malleukens)
|\-> X/Y/Z (standing): Mallet Throw * *
|/<- X/Y/Z (standing): Malleuken * *
->+X (standing/close to p2): Over-Shoulder Toss
Start/Options button (standing): Numerous spoken taunts! Try them out!


A (standing): Light Tailsmack
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Swipe
Y (standing): Hard Swipe
A + B (standing): Suplex
Z (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Cock Twirler
->Y (standing, touch P2): Cock Slap Destroyer
| + C (crouching): Standard Cock Twirl 
\ + B (in air): Air-poke
\ + C(crouching): Dodge Roll
A+X (standing, close to P2): Cock Toss
X+Y (standing, close to P2): BootyJuke
|/<-+Y (in air): Aerial Throw (P2 only affected in air)
 |/<- , ->+Y (standing): Tumbler (Leaves player open for a few seconds if missed)


**has Furball for an assist character
A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
Z(standing, near P2): Knee Groin (This is a grab attack)
C(standing, near P2): Regular Throw
B+Y (in air): Dark Nebula (Delivers 3 hits hovering slowly, knocks P2 back.)
|\-> + B (in air): Air Muzzler throw
A+B+Z (2 NRG): Call Furball [Chases P2 continually to smack with tennis racket; OTG. Can be killed in a few hits.]
|/<- + Y: Fart Gas [Knocks P2 away.]
| , | + Y: Dynamite Fart (standing)
|\-> + A+B (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Combo 1 (Flurry of normals leading into massive fart clouds.)
|\-> + X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Mega Fart (Tail whip to OTG, 4 vertical fart clouds.)
X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Omega Fart (Fart cloud homes in on target for some time.)


 A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Whip
C (standing): Suplex grab
A(crouching): Low Kick
B(crouching): Slide Kick
Z (standing): Macro Kick (anti-air)
->+B (standing/close to P2): Overhead Toss
<- , ->+A(standing): Vector Boom (projectile)
|\-> + X+Y (1 NRG): Hurricane Buzzsaw (Massive disc, several hits into OTG)
|\-> + A+B (1 NRG): Photon Cannon (Massive laser, OTG, several hits like previous move)

Psychotic Kitten:

A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Medium Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Medium Punch
C (standing): Hard Kick
Z (standing): Hard Punch
[20 Frames]<-,->+b (standing): Cat Fight (Rolls across screen, hits once)
|\->+AnyButton (standing/in air): Furball (Gets frenzied and delivers several hits to P2 if caught in the range, but may leave Kitten dizzy afterward.)
|\->+X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Super Furball (Same as prior, but Hyper.)
|/<-+ X/Y (standing): Toshidan (Runs around the screen, and can throw himself off the wall or ceiling to attack using punch buttons. Dizzies himself if completing loop without un-clinging from a screen side.)
A+X/B+Y/Z+C (just-defend): Psycho Rage (Counter granting temporary invincibility for a few seconds- block a move right before it connects, then hit the appropriate keys.)
[20 Frames]<- , ->+a+b/b+c/a+c (standing, 1 NRG): Super Cat Fight (Screen rolling hypermove)
|/<- , x+y/x+z/y+z (standing, 1 NRG): Super Marathon (A bevy of hits if it connects!)

Foxy Roxy:

A (standing): Light Kick
B (standing): Medium Kick
<-+B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Punch
C (standing): Whiplash Kick
|\-> +Y: Leg Clinch (Throw)
|\-> + C: Ultra Fireball (1 NRG)
|\-> A/B (standing): Rolling Sweep (Clears most of the screen)
<-/ | \->+a/b (standing): Spinning Roll Attack (Rolls across screen, hits max to 6 times)
| /,<-+a/b/x/y (standing): Handstand Attack (OTG)
->\ | /<-,->+X+Y (standing, 1 NRG): Mega Roll [Hits more than standard]
|/<- / | \->+ a (standing): Final Beatdown  X
|/<- / | \->+ b (standing): Final Beatdown Y
A+B+X+Y (standing, 4 NRG! Must be hit right before pose to counter): Mega Beatdown [Hyper counter move.]
A+X or Z (standing, direction optional): Evade
A+B (standing, 1 NRG, After guarding an attack; Standing/Crouching): Counter Kick-away

Aries: =NOTE=Aries is selectable via previous MUGEN releases/ Standard IKE versions of FP allow Start+D or W on Stefan's slot to pick him/ he also lays bare in UlChamEd releases

|\->+Y (standing): Self Shot
|/<-+B (standing): Hurricane Kick
->|\+X (standing): Cat Upper
->+B (standing): Cat Piledriver
->+Y (standing): Cat Suplex
|\->+A+B (standing, 1 NRG): Self Shot Flurry
|\->+X (standing, 1 NRG): Hyper Brawl


Up in midair to doublejump
A (standing or moving left/right): Dodge Roll
B (standing): Hard Kick
X (standing): Light Punch
Y (standing): Hard Whip
<-+Z (standing): Engine Tandem (throw)
->|\+X (standing): Rising Rocket
|\-> + Y: Missile (projectile, hits once)
|\->+x (standing or in the air): Stun Grenade (Catches P2 for several seconds.)
|\->+a (standing or in the air): Normal Lasergun
|\->+ab (standing, 3 NRG): Barrier (Shields Tina from all damage, takes 20 hits to disperse!)
|\->+xy (standing, 1 NRG): Destroy (Superlaser, covers the screen estate)

Matilda and Slick:

|+C: Dodge Roll
|, |, X: TopSpin (anti-air)
|\-> + Y: Closer Kick (glide a distance to hit target once)
|\-> + X: Circus Grab (Matty does that foot thing that tumbles the opponent around)
<- + C: Muay Thai Grab (Knees P2 several times)
|/<- + X: Shorthop Kick (Hops a minor distance w/ kick)
|/<- + Z: SpinKick (distance closing hurricane normal, hits once)
|\-> + YZ: Hypercombo Super (1 NRG)
|/<- + XY: Hyper SpinKick (1 NRG, hurricane hyper- stationary, hits hard and plenty!)

A: Slick Shot
B: Slick Smack
|\-> + A: Flame Shot (Slick fires a large projectile)
|\-> + BC: Machinegun-Cam (Hyper, 1 NRG, Slick fires dozens of shots)

Lewd Spike:

A+B: Dodge Roll

C: Classic Fireball
|+C: Upward Classic Fireball
Z: Long Fire Arc
|+Z: Short Fire Arc
->+B: Default Throw
->|\+Y: Flying Upper
|/<- +XY: Transform (1 NRG, flame covers wide distance)

 X+Y+Z: Fly (Limited to players only, still nascent in development)

Tom Tom Agency:

|+Z: Reverse Cowgirl

|+B: BJ
|+Y: Reg Fuck

C: Gat Shot
|+C: Grenade Toss
->,|\+ Y: Teyjas Upper
Z: Evade

|+XY (1 NRG): Gat Shot w/ Extra ammo
X (1 NRG): Call Durst

Wonder Rhonda:

->-> (run) + B: Dodge Roll / GuardCancel Dodge on -> +B

\ + C: Suplex grab
\ + Z: PummelThrow
C: Gunblast (performable in Air, Stand, and Crouch)
->,|\ + X/Y: Wonder Upper
|/<- X: Wonder Knee
->,|\ + YB (Must be in 20% critical health, buffs defense so far): Last Wonder

|\ -> + AX (1 NRG): Super Wonder Upper
|\ -> + XY (1 NRG): Triggerall