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Tony Pai

A member registered Feb 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

What an enjoyable music game, the tempo is great, and the bird characters look funny. You guys always deliver good games, thumbs up!

Keep trying to get an S…

I was hoping bunnies will go rebel when they have enough resource like woods and stones are over 1000 or staying long enough over 500 years.

Wake up bunnies! Poda is just a bully!

(1 edit)

It's really hard to remember the recipes after the first round, my brain is the same size as goldfish.

這梗可以 XDDDD


整個突現出時間管理大師有多厲害 XDDD

畫面太美我不敢開啊 XDDD

紅綠燈根本裝置藝術 XDDDD

計程車軍團太犯規了啦 QAQQQ

到底要怎麼開才能50幾分啦 QQ



我要玩我要玩我要玩 XD

I can't believe I play this game myself for 5 mins to see what it'll happen... I really should to find a friend. lol

Most of other game are in chinese... Well, maybe you can give it a try. :P

Looking forward to this game! :D

我聞到路西法的味道... 囧

被尖叫聲嚇到 XDDDDD

話說 story3 的對話框關不掉 :P

我不會說我是衝著小女孩來的 <3

The themes announced in fanpage of facebook, and yap it's in chinese. I tried to translate that into english, but it's not that clear maybe. You could see the themes and description in the bottom of main page.

Sure, I've already wrote that in the bottom of main page. But the content of this game jam are design for local developer in Taiwan, so maybe the translation is not that clearly when you see. Anyway, have fun.

Get what? You mean join this game jam or?