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A member registered Feb 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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pretty brilliant game took me a minute to figure out what to do with the blocks exactly. it would be cool to add a level indicator somewhere so I would know how many I had made it through. But really good work fun puzzle game.

pretty cool, first time I brought the web page up the game did not load. But it did on the 2nd time. Fairly cool idea.

Really nice idea. The art is great. Got stuck on the first hacking level. There is really no indication of what to do. I stood in front of the terminal that was there and hit space. Then randomly tried some other places and just stopped. But the idea is solid.

damn hard game!

pretty amazing game. really fun to play. Good stuff!

Once you get to 3 balls what are you supposed to do? None of them disappear when they go over the hole...

really nice work

really great idea!

Are there any hints. It looks like you cannot clone your self while moving? Ha I cannot even get past the first level. I like the intro though.

This looks really slick. You need some instructions or guidance in some way. I gave up a couple of times each time when I had to pay since I could not figure out how to make money but the game is really professional looking and the music is great.

Just played the demo and could not figure out how floating worked in the control scheme. So I stopped at the part you have to float in level 1. It seems like there is a state machine that only allows floating in a really specific spot and I just could figure it out. 

The game is really slick but I could not make it very far into it.

Just wondering.

rage quit is appropriate. i gave up. good job. :)

good luck on your release and your game!!!!!!

You should add christmas as a season! Very cool

Yay! I loved the pico8 version. Hope this newer version does well tooooo!!!

Yeah that is really hard. Good game though. And phaser rocks!!!!

Really good job. Fun fun.

Amazing stuff.... then in pico8 too.

Wonderful stuff.  I wish I could make stuff like this!

Amazing stuff on pico8.

Crazy you got all of this in a pico8 cart! Good stuff.

Really clever. Crazy that you can fit that into a pico8 cart. You have to really plan to get through the levels. Good job!!!!!

Thanks and definitely going to add more levels. I was pushing to get finished then I plan to squeeze some more levels. At least as many as I can into pico8 memory. :)