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A member registered Oct 10, 2021

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Respectable comment I like that :)

thats not sonikal3d's fault if the game wont save it

Idk if it works i havent downloaded it yet but i have to say if anyone here doesn't respect the gosh darn grind sonikal3d went to do this well make sure your car aint getting swiss cheesed

Grims got a gaming career now this and have a nice death show that

also right when i clicked download i knew this had a lot of content since most itch games are a couple hundred megabytes THIS IS 18 GIGS

looks cool

if someone says they are addicted to a game thats just called being a gamer lol

the soldier of mars what the fuck do you mean mantaliss is a shit developer he just moved over to better projects

i know theres a steam version but i still like this game

is this the real one hmmmmmmmmm

16 bit is the best way to make me love a game

where is the download