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Tom Kun

A member registered Nov 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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I just fixed my bugs! Good luck!

I don't remember... but it was like after the second quest

Great game idea! I like how it matches the holiday vibe! I encountered a bug where the quest panel shows no text... My game also has some bugs after publishing so I understand. Best wishes for debugging

Thats very cool! I will talk to my team to see if them want to use it! Thanks

We can add that later :D

You are! 

Fixed Bug (Ghosts went through and stuck in the ground) 

Thank you so much for your comment! I am a beginner artist. Your comment encouraged me a lot! 

Thank you so much for liking our game~ really appreciate it!!!

Thank you for playing our game! we will improve the game play according to your comment!

Thank you! We are so glad that you like it 😊. Gonna check out your game as well!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing our game! The control is not so typical 😂, it's like league of legends, where u left mouse click to move and q,w key to perform skills.

Looks Good!

I like the art style!

Good work!

I liked the overall feel! Good job!