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Tofu Heavy Industries

A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Amazing concept!! I can definitely see this as a great foundation for a 4 player link cable game.

I love the look of it. Has a very SpectrumZX vibe!

Yup, I keep changing the prices because I dont know what to set it at. I'm just happy that people play it.

I like the look of the game, but am really turned off by how the name is taking up space right in the middle of the screen. Also, theres something about the writing sound I can't stand.

Very nice SouLLy. I did a few gb cases/covers for a different kinda case but asked my lawyer about using the Game boy font & nintendo logo and he said "

Unlicensed use of trademarks in a commercial manner like that would set you up for trademark infringement claims.

But you can factually say that the game is made for the Game Boy. That's called nominative use.

Using logos is risky, though. As is using trademarks in any way that makes your game look like it's licensed by Nintendo.

Dunno if its different in uk though, everything else is amazing. this is weasel btw

Love it!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I took quite a few of your suggestions and  implemented some changes for the 1.1 version that fix some of the overall issues of player confusion with the game. There are some though that the player needs to discover for themselves, as the game is very small and the object for the player is to figure out how to escape, without too much hand-holding.

Cool game, I like the graphics and the sound effects have body to them. Music is good too. Sorry I couldnt afford to pay for it!

Thank you very much!