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Toffer Team

A member registered Sep 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey, sure. What's the problem you're having? If possible, I'd appreciate if you can send a screenshot so we can check and help you. You can contact us at Sorry for the inconvenience.

Vol. 1, Vol. 1 Hot Springs + Beach, and Vol. 2 are already available

Vol. 2 Hot Springs and Beach and Vol. 3 will release later this year :)

You can check all of our releases and updates on our itchio page, Steam, or in our twitter account.

Thank you so much! :D

Try Kiara and My Ara Ara Adventure:

Thank you so much for your support both times, we really appreciate it!
We couldn't agree more with your take on PayPal, I receive messages every week from both creators and users that suffered the same fate.

No problem, my friend. We know these are delicate times so please don't worry. Hope you can get a new job very soon!

Thank you! :D

Thank you! 🥰

Hi, we've just uploaded the fixed Mac build. Please try again and get back to us if you still have the issue. Thanks for your patience!

Hi, so sorry for the late reply!

We're checking on this issue with our dev team and we'll get back to you as soon as possible with the fixed version. Please stay tuned for an update soon. Thanks for your support!

Thanks for playing 🥰

Thank you! 🥰

Hello! Thank you for your suggestions!

Although there's no plans for the near future, we'd really love to translate the LIP series to Chinese among other languages if the games do well enough :)

It's not possible at the moment due to the build size which is two or three times bigger than our previous releases. We'll keep you posted if we find a way around it.

It's not possible at the moment due to the build size which is two or three times bigger than our previous releases. We'll keep you posted if we find a way around it.

It's not possible at the moment due to the build size which is two or three times bigger than our previous releases. We'll keep you posted if we find a way around it.

This project is complete since its release. There won't be any updates.

Thank you so much for your support and your words, it truly helps us to keep going with the project!

Thanks for playing, I'm really glad you enoyed Kiara! I cannot answer your questions right now because all of them would be part of a potential sequel if that ever happens, so I'd prefer not to spoil anything. 

We have our hands full  working in the Lewd Idol Project series at the moment, but I definitely would love to keep working on Kiara's story at least for one sequel :)

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Thank you! Still got no word back from them but we'll be doing our best to keep the project going.

Hello, thanks for your purchase! It looks like you gotta enable third party apks on your android device, please try with this and let me know:

Vol. 1 has already released last June


Thank you so much!

The Android port is still happening, we just had to delay it a bit due to the circumstances.

We're doing our very best to keep going forward with the project. Thanks for the support!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support.

Arch was super nice with us on twitter and his coverage on the case was really great!

Yup, those are the four titles available at the moment. We had five more LIP releases that were funded via stretch goals on Kickstater planned for 2021 and 2022 so here's hoping to have good news on that soon. 😊

That's really weird, I've been trying differnt apps to unzip it and they all worked just fine. I'm afraid it may be an issue with the client only that we aren't aware of. Did you try by contacting itchio's support? Sorry for your inconveniences.

Thank you so much! We've been working on an Android port since the PC version was released but now we may have to delay it a bit because of this awful issue with PayPal. I'm really really sorry! Thanks for your patience.

Thank you so much! We really appreciate your help and concern. This situation is truly frustrating since we've worked so hard for this project and so many people kindly donated via KS last year in order to make it happen, and now we have to face this... I feel heartbroken. But we're trying to make the best out of this situation by raising awareness among other adult/lewd creators. We don't want this to keep happening, we'll keep fighting!

Thanks for reaching out. We haven't had any response on their behalf but we'll keep pushing no matter what! This is our passion and we won't let this stop us. We'll get through it one way or another.

We're truly devastated and frustrated about this issue, and we're doing the impossible to get trough this. At the moment we haven't had any response from PayPal but we won't give up that easily, we'll keep going with this project no matter what. Thanks for reaching out I truly appreciate it.

Same as our response above, please let us know which app are you using to open the .rar files and if you tried with multiple ones and we'll check on this asap

We haven't had any other report on this issue but we'll definitely check this out. Could you tell us which app are you using to open the .rar file? Sorry for any inconveniences!

Sorry, but that won't be possible

Hello! I highly recommend you contact itchio's support:

They usually respond quite fast and can help you with your issue :) 

Thank you! We're working on the Hot Springs and Beach extra chapters for Vol. 1 set to release on August/September and then Vol. 2 around November/December this year if everything goes according to plan

We're testing it at this moment, so hopefully it'll be available around next week

An Android port is in the works :)
