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Toepeng Gaming

A member registered Dec 08, 2019

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Fun game tho could use a few things. 

  • A place to see information on classes and skills.
  • A bit more items/classes
  • Small tutorial all games should have at least a small one

Not sure if the game is based on anything but the classes only seem to affect their fire. It could be cool if there were class passives or different stats per class.

So maybe the ranger starts with good attack speed and crit but not much health and the grenadier had more attack and crit but lacked speed.

Also, a class skill would be cool, something that could boost your character but has a cooldown or you only get a limited amount.

And not to make this long one final note would be the difficulty, the normal enemies feel like they don't hurt me a bit and bosses feel only like one-shots. I dunno if it's because the enemies don't get stronger or the bosses are beefed up but I think the normal enemies should steadily get stronger as the game goes on.