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A member registered Aug 08, 2022

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Former president stab - the ultimate chad best friend

So yeah, wow.  Honestly you did a great job and having burned through all available content over the last 3 days I'm filled with nothing but immense satisfaction that I gave this a try.  There is so much depth to the characters and I actually find myself caring deeply for these people.  It's a remarkable thing to shed a tear when dealing with some of the absolute heartbreaking twists and turns the story takes and I found myself "rewarding" the girls based on who was going through what.  My partner overnight changed as the story ebbed and flowed. Seriously outstandingly work, you can tell these characters are more than just a means to an end.  Of course the lewd content is excellent but the why I was playing changed drastically over the playthrough.  Can't express how much I genuinely enjoyed the experience - keep it up...... please.....