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A member registered Dec 02, 2019

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Recent community posts

Hi, awesome gameplay right there! We're really glad that you enjoy our game. :)

You are now able to download our game! Unfortunatly, the build could still contain unknown bugs.
If you encounter any major bug, try restarting the game and you should be able to continue the game from your last savepoint on.
Never the less, we hope you have fun playing our little game. :)

With kind regards, 
Team Pitaya Fox

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, but we're still having a bit of trouble with some files. Hopefully we can fix it within the next few minutes/hours. :) 

27.04.2020 - Update

Sorry for the delay, took a little bit longer as expected to push. This update includes bugfixes in gameplay and animation. We've also added new animations for more player feedback and missing textures.

We've just started developing our new semester projects, make sure to check them out soon! :)

(1 edit)

08.03.2020 - Launch

You can download the game, have fun playing! There is only a Windows version at this point, Mac is available soon. An update for bugfixes and changes is already planned and on its way!

No Room For Tailor community · Created a new topic Updates

In this post you can find the detailed update-log for No Room For Tailor.

No Room For Tailor community · Created a new topic Feedback

You can leave your feedback about the game in this topic, if you want to. Any kind of feedback is very appreciated. 

With kind regards and have fun playing!

Team E7