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A member registered Aug 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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I've figured out how to use it. It's a .rar file (compressed archive) meaning you can't really use it on it's own. I recommend downloading 7zip, then if you right click on the .rar then you can see "View archive". After you're in the archive, click extract, then enter the regular folder variant. There will be an .exe in there somewhere, which will start the game.

And yes it's a a Windows Application. I'm pretty sure it says that lol

I don't know. It's a RAR file though so likely a ROM, although to which console is also unknown by the author.

It looks nice but wall jumping is truly terrible, I can't get past the first bit

Oh. And one of the mushrooms near the beach told me "If heavy rain can shed tears, than why can't your heavy heart does the same?"

C'mon, please be a sequal!

(2 edits)

I love this game. Simple as that. The story is incredible, the art style is great, and the pixel art and sounds were well made. I only have one issue, however, and that is the final fight. It softlocks you! I mean come on. Yes I beat the game, but due to the save before it puts you back into the fight when you reload and so on. A vicious cycle. Sure, it's done and dusted, but perhaps I'd still enjoy power levelling in my free time.

I don't want to be pushy but I'd love a developer response. I'm 5+ hours into this game, am I just gonna lose it like that?

I'd really hope there are backup local saves.