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A member registered Sep 13, 2021

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Just had a 2nd crash fairly late into a game... No error was shown, my pc (and I've just recently got it, so not too shabby) just crashed. Had to restart. Nonetheless, I'll keep on playing (haven't restarted since).

I absolutely love the game. Really, really well done. Very ambitious project. I can see myself playing this for a long time. Couple of things: it's frustrating when you start a session and the enemy AI gets hung up on their turn. The "loading bar" with the matching color of the team gets stuck at the first two ticks, it seems. Also I just had my first stack overflow - I tried to bless the Decay "Ultimate" Unit -> Lifebane. The game got noticably slower from there (on the battlefield) and crashed soon after. Again, thanks for making the game and I'd purchase it again.