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Tyson Butler-Boschma

A member registered Jan 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting me know, I have reported it too, hopefully Steam sorts it ASAP! 

The  MediaFire one still seems active but yeah, all my other links have been cut off... 
Hoping Itch gets back to me soon about a bigger upload limit and then I can just upload it directly here. 

That's totally ok, I mainly just want people to have access to play it

Damn it! 
I have replaced the .txt file, should be a another link in that, I am sorry for any inconvenience 

Cool, glad it's working. 
It uses the Epic Matrix demo as a base for the city. 
It's more just a proof of concept

This should be fixed, I had to move away from Dropbox, sorry! 

Should have a version up now! 
I am creating some other safety links too

Apologies everyone, I am fixing up the link issues now! 

(1 edit)

I just tested and you're right. Looks like due to high traffic the link has been banned. I'll try and fix that asap!

I am glad you enjoyed it! :D