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A member registered Feb 12, 2021

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Wow, this was truly fascinating, I love how Kat is dealing with the events, she's a very interesting character, and so is the game. The ambience, the details put into the ritual, everything work so well for the immersion ! Thank you for this experience, I'm looking forward the evolution of the project ♫ !

(1 edit)

Very sweet, heartwarming  and entertaining ! Plus the soundtrack is sooo relaxing. Thank you ♫ !

Shelbi thoughts on working really hit me. I am glad these two had the opportunity to meet each other. Beautiful mention of the concept of "shadow", present as physically as in the mind of the characters. Thank you for this game !

I am speechless, but mostly enthralled. Thank you.

Something IS happening in the universe set up during the game, and we seem powerless about it. We just go on with the flow, I think this is what truly frightened me. I'm kinda sad of the choice I made concerning this specific character. Thank you for this experience.