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A member registered Sep 14, 2018

Recent community posts

its really short but so funny and cute. the whispered (capitalism) made me laugh. very well done :)

that nearly made me cry i was so stressed out but it was adorable otherwise good job lol

dude not many things disturb or upset me but i found this deepy disturbing and upsetting. very good job on it cheers :)

I literally love you. this game is wonderful. I'm not a professional but if you need or want an ammature voice actor to work for free for you, hit me up. I can't wait to see what new developments you'll have on this game :) I'd really like it if there were a jump function though. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day!

whats the max level for incubators? its an amazing game though i love it so much!

it was a beautiful game. well done!