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A member registered Jan 31, 2022

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Hey, thanks. that was a really fast reply. I wasn't sure how much anyone would be paying attention to this. It looks like it retained my save file after updating, but I should probably start all over because I have no idea what content might have been missed. 

(1 edit)

I realized I got this when the game was still in the beta. I think the post was something like it's nearly done, but we can't call it finished something like that. I didn't even realize there were all of these updates. I didn't actually finish the game. I got nearly to the end, but it was getting really grindy trying to get better equipment and I put the game down. 

I'm just wondering for anyone who was playing somewhere around 0.9.15 if it's worth updating to the official release and starting all over, or if I should just finish ginding the last weapon and beat it on the older version. 
