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A member registered Apr 19, 2022

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(1 edit)

Hey my game started to crash every time I buy that bag from the black market Idk why I can tell you the error code if that helps.

Edit: Nope the entire black market dosent work

I'm thinking of downloading this what dose the icon look like on a Mac I don't want it to look sus

Wtf only module 1 and 4 work and both are broken, I got excited cause I have asd but this is shit. In Module one it's asking for a chair and it doesn't except in when given it locking the game. In module 4 when dragging the letters there is no way to go to the next level or incorrect sound, also the dragging of the letters and the ouse are off. This is a ocd nightmare. Last thing full screen or browser cuts different things out of frame making it more confusing. Please fix any of these before actually advertising this.