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A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah thanks for all the suggestions! I really didn't have much time at all really, and I actually forgot to implement ghosts resetting you back to the bed lol. I also forgot to disable teleporting but kind of nice as long as it worked. SFX would definitely make the flashlight more obvious, but it was actually a toggle, and it had a battery. It would be more red or green depending on how long you have had it on for. A fear meter would be really cool if I had thought of that earlier, but honestly this game jam was reaaaally rushed haha. And I sorta forced myself to even finish it in the end. The flashlight you can grab from any angle since I'm using AutoHands for auto posing. I'm curious though did you manage to finish the game or no? And thanks for playing too!

Sorry, I guess there might’ve been more than a few bugs I guess, I think something must’ve gone wrong with both versions since I hadn’t tested it too extensively as I had 15 minutes left.. The game should’ve been 3 levels plus an ending level, there was no turning implemented yet, but for sure a lot of bugs.. ):

yup, sorry about that, I’ll make a new .exe build, but it won’t sadly count towards the jam entry as it was made after ): however, I do know that the apk works fine. I guess I really should’ve tested the exe build but I had 15 minutes left and wanted to make sure I got it in!

Just sent, should be Timmy_Little for me.

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Heyo Semih Alar! I've been working on a fully physics based VR system for a good bit now; about 3 months, and I'm currently working on an IK system for arms and legs too. I primarily code and do art in pixel art, some modelling and digital art. Just a solo person, but if you'd like I'd be free to team up!

Oh and also if you want to see some of the work, it's now a little outdated since last worked on but here's some of my work in quite a few fields:

Wow, thanks for feedback, I love it! Thanks for telling me about the continue button since I had forgotten to test that, and I'll either make the player have 3 hearts + full health at the beginning, or just make them have 4 hearts out of laziness ha ha.. Jumping on enemies may come, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to have it like that, I most likely will, since I have the boss like it and it would/is slightly weird having the boss but not enemies take damage. The walk animation I can definitely fix (: I will have to make an indicator of sort for the rooms that you probably shouldn't sprint into.. Or at least make them so that they cannot be hurt when they walk into the room. You must re-gain the key when you die since I didn't make that a feature yet /: but yes it's still very buggy and work in progress! The new game button will definitely need a revamp, and I will most likely make a small reset button in the settings instead to make it a bit safer haha. Lastly, yes the menu is a very early thing, and most likely didn't even need to be made yet in the first place. Thank you for all your feedback! (Sorry for the essay long response..) <3

I didn't know if it was enough to have a small room you sit in for a bit to test the game, but I should have probably made that more clear, thanks!

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Absolutely adored the music, it was so cheery, I had a lot of fun with the puzzles, and when I got stuck for so long on one of them I found out a way to cheese it with the small debug written above the keyboard... Also I loved the yellow and blue sticky notes, a great addition!

One last thing I found immedietly after playing it is now every bit of music from it's now stuck in my head lol.

Gave you a rating good rating of music as other people in the comments are saying that it was good, although sadly I could not hear it. ):

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it even after seeing it been played fully through!

I loved the cute artstyle, the game was extremly well made and I can't beleive it was made in a game jam, I would buy this game on Nintendo Switch if just some more levels!