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Tim The Unready

A member registered Mar 17, 2021

Recent community posts

I liked the monsters - they look other worldy, invoke that sort of early doom vibe.

also like the fact you have a health bar, power ups and that you can shoot the incoming projectiles. 

Area to improve:

Only could fire in the direction i wanted to if i was pressing the corresponding wasd key - where my mouse was didn't seem to matter, otherwise i would just fire downwards. made it very hard to fight monsters. 

More monsters, more chaos, less deadspace and "maze" design (IMO). 

Great job though! You could flesh this out to something really fun. 

I like the concept, and i like the animation of Bob. Being chased by the wall was cool, and tense. 

Area to imrpove:

Controls are a bit too jumpy - it's too responsive and it's easy to overshoot when you are trying to make smaller jumps. 

Appreciate it's a short level - but maybe some arrows in the background could give you a clue as to where you are meant to go, otherwise if you are getting to a new place you might die just because you didn't realise you had to jump up the platforms. 
Keep going!