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A member registered May 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game, interesting puzzles. Really liked the concept of the last level.

Interesting game design, love the different dice. I really enjoyed playing it.  The enemies are only a bit too easy to dodge and there are a lot of them. I would like to see more different enemies for example from each dice type enemy.  

Interesting concept, I would have liked an faster way to switch elements. Because of how it is now you are pushed to pick an element and then hit and they run away and pick the other element and shoot.

The game concept is interesting and fun. But in the beginning, it is hard to understand what you need to do and what de dice does. after that when you know a bit about what everything does it is a fun game.

Pretty fun game, The atmosphere is well done, but there is not a lot of gameplay and you spam attack without any disadventages. I would be interestind in a further developed version.