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A member registered Jan 29, 2017

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Love this game! Despite only being a demo it's brilliant. The over the top cartoon levels of gore and dismemberment are hilarious.

It would be nice to have a stabby sword like a gladius as well as a slashy one. If it makes things too easy then maybe shorten it like a dagger. Dual wielding swords is probably my favourite mode.

An axe could also be interesting but I dont know how you'd make it different. Maybe it gets stuck in the enemy's head.

Lastly, and this is a bit silly, but after a decapitation. Could the headless body run around flailing like a chicken for a bit.. assuming its still got legs. Or the detached head could have eyes that follow you.. possibly with animated eyebrows doing an angry face (\/) or surprised face (/\) darting left and right in a "wtf?!" kind of way.

Cant wait til it's released - a definite buy for me!