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A member registered Dec 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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You are very welcome.  I look forward to your response to the later levels !

Keyboard controls have now been added.   Did not want to be guilty of any heinous crimes.

Just a heads up - you only died after you`d gone through the tunnel (with the spider on top) flew up, reversed and collected the baby ladybird because you were slightly too low meaning that your legs meshed with the top of the tunnel.  Had you been slightly higher you would have been okay.  Moral of the story - don't drag you feet along the ground.

(1 edit)

Richard, thank you very much for your extremely in depth comments. Will be discussing keyboard controls with co-programmer and report back.  Keyboard controls are being worked on - will update when finished.

I look forward to your comments when you reach the last level.  Thanks for playing the game.