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A member registered Aug 04, 2017

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This was so cute! I really liked the idea and the story and the art and the music...honestly, it was all so lovely and calming. Gay mermaids really are the best! Even though this story was short, it was very heart-felt and very enjoyable. <3

P.S. Zinka17's idea about a sequel sounds lovely!

Super cute and funny writing + I like the sprite art too + the plot + the gayness of it all

I'm assuming music will be included w/ the full version bc honestly that was the most jarring/unappealing part of all this...just...the silence......

Seriously, though, good luck with the rest of it! Really enjoyed the demo! It's quirky and cute and I was totally into it <3

Frankly, this game was so much more than I expected it would be.

The conception, the writing, and the art is so lovely, immersive, and original. I really appreciated the diverse characters, and beyond that, they're all so likable and believable! (Though nothing is less believable than when Riley says she isn't gay, like, girl... lmao...)

Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to create and share this game with us (and for free!!) because it's really been a great pleasure to play it. I really look forward to seeing all the amazing things I'm sure your team will accomplish!