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A member registered May 01, 2016

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glad to be of service heh. That route is really unforgiving

Same goes for you cx. Just send me a tweet on Twitter (@VeryMuchThomas) or send me a message on Google+ or so ( if you want help with Shane's route. I'm pretty sure I know what mistake you're making but I don't wanna spoil it on here.

Hey! Just send me a tweet on Twitter (@VeryMuchThomas) or send me a message on Google+ or so ( if you want help with Shane's route. I'm pretty sure I know what mistake you're making but I don't wanna spoil it on here

You better. It's so worth it

Nah there is a best ending for Shane. And as I said, it's my favorite ending. Such character development, especially since he seems to hate Hana in almost every other route. You're going to love it.

I've only gotten the best end and bad end with him, not even the good end and bad end. So confused by it to be honest. I have no idea how to get those two. If you want my help with the best end for any reason, just ask :) I'll be glad to help ahah

This is a brilliant game. I love how each different route has it's moments with certain characters, which you won't understand unless you've seen their route. This happens often, especially with PBG and Shane.

The references to the real Normal Boots members are also really funny and cool.

Also Mai breaking the fourth wall a lot is honestly hilarious

I really love this game. But damn, SHANE'S ROUTE. Took me about 50-70 tries or so. It was not fun, But in the end, it was worth it. I loved every second of his ending.