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Thomas Circle

A member registered May 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yes.  I'm Sir T-Man on's official Discord server.

I've got some experience with 3D art.  It's probably not enough to model and animate characters but it's likely enough to model some props.

Left-click to scratch.  I think only the bladed parts of the boss can damage the cat.

Thanks.  Arguably, it has been developed into a few full games.

(1 edit)

Nice start, but I'm not sure I like  being unable to control trajectory midair.  Maybe that's realistic, but then again, is realism what people really want in a game about a kitten fighting demons?  I'm assuming it is a kitten because of its scale compared to the furniture and appliances. 

Also I think there's too much waiting around/trial-and-error in the bathroom and first boss.  Level Two is where I rage-quit, though I might have soldiered on if I had access to a controller.  Still, in that level I noticed the cat falling through platform that was rising and lowering, so you might want to check collisions.

The in-level music is good but maybe there should be different songs for different levels.  The boss music isn't exactly catchy but it fits.

The graphics are the best part.