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A member registered 78 days ago

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Whatever it did means those who bought episode 1 (or at least I) can't download episode 2 from our original purchase

I bought on episode 1 and it's not giving me the option to download episode 2 without paying for it again. Is this an issue with itchio or intended?

I cant import my save to epilogue from the 0.14 windows version i played via joiplay. It just throws an error when i try to load it. I couldnt install the android version of 0.14 because it says incompatible version either. Any way to get a full nice options save that will work with epilogue because it says I can't start a new game, only import a save

alright thanks! I had no idea how much of thr game was out already so I didn't know where it was supposed to be ending or continuing

no matter what I do I can't get the game to progress past that point. It's Luke the game just ends. Playing on android. Says the apk is around 200mb in size if that helps

If you lose a path can you get back on it or is it gone forever?