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Third Vision Games

A member registered May 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Same problem here, i want buy but my Paypal block international transactions :\

Plz, add credit card option

Vaaaleu! Que bom que curiu :)

(1 edit)

Amazing game! If you can acept a suggestion, please consider to make a sensivity regulator, on mouse the camera is too fast, and Please, make a Linux version!!!! If you do, i can help you into test if you want!!!

Thank you for the feed back, the skipping short cut will enable into the next version, and sorry about the grammar error's, i am from brazil and i finished the 15min before the deadline, and in the end I didn't have much time to revise the dialogues.

Thank you for the feedback, after the jam i will make some adjusts into game and I will take what you said into consideration. Enabling the infinite lives at begin of game :)

Thank you!

Sorry about the no skippable, after the jam time i will fix it :)

Bom dia pessoal!

Ontem foi a entrega da nossa primeira milestone, no entanto devido a algumas "melhorias" feitas pela google no forumeiros, um funcionalidade nova de segurança impedia usuários com menos de 1 semana de postarem links externos. O problema no entanto já foi solucionado, e estaremos aceito as submissões da milestone 1 hoje até as 23h 55min sem quaisquer penalidades.

Boa Jam a todos!

Poste aqui suas dúvidas e dificuldades! 

A ideia principal ideia por trás da OpenJam é justamente a cooperação.

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