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A member registered Oct 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Ash, congrats on 6300! The camera moving when stuck behind a rock was something we considered. Since time is a challenge that can be helped with potions, we wanted another challenge for the player they couldn't easily overcome. I definitely understand where you're coming from, especially when the lava speed picks up. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the comment!

Thanks for the feedback! I can see that, we added an update where the speed of the lava flow increases over time so hopefully that adds enough of a challenge :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, good luck to you too!

Totally agree, we added this update so let us know how it runs :)

This is a great idea! We went back and added potions to collect to increase the timer, thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for the comment!

Thank you! I had to search up this game, very nostalgic feels :)